Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Summer sausage and jerky


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2019
Making some goodies in preparation for upcoming hunt: grandma's summer sausage recipe and 4 kinds of jerky.

Summer sausage recipe is probably pretty similar to what many of you use, found her old recipe card:


Obviously first substitution is elk for beef (used straight lean elk). Used to find hickory smoke salt in the store but none around so smoked some sea salt up. Lot cheaper.



Yup, 25 years old, still does the trick, although an auto feeder would have been nice since the salt can take a lot of smoke.


Also no tender quick around (found some now though). Since I believe this recipe uses nitrate/nitrite mostly for the color, I've substituted with 2 parts salt 1 part sugar in the past, but this time I tried some celery salt for part of the salt for some natural nitrate.



For jerky I've used an old teriyaki recipe of my mom's for years with good results, but been wanting to try some varieties so been experimenting with some new ones, bourbon brown sugar, habanero, and one I thought up that seemed like it would be good: dry rib rub.

1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup oil (I use half that or less)
1 tsp ground ginger (used fresh this time)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbs sugar or brown sugar (mom would skip this for meals, but with jerky I can't really tell the difference with or without)

Bourbon brown sugar
1/4 cup bourbon (of course I had no real bourbon so used Pendleton and Grand Marnier this time, first time just Pendleton, next time I'll get some bourbon)
Calls for liquid smoke and pink salt, skipped those
2 tbs brown sugar
2 tbs soy sauce
2 tbs worcestershire
1 tsp molasses
1 tsp black pepper

Habanero (Traeger recipe)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup worcestershire
1/4 cup pineapple juice (used oj instead)
1 Tbs brown sugar
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 minced Habaneros
(had some dried peppers from a bumper crop a couple years ago, not hot enough last time so this time used a cayenne and 4 Habaneros with seeds, probably going to burn my face off).

KC rib rub
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup paprika (I do less pap and more chili)
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon kosher salt (used the smoked sea salt instead)
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

About 18 hours in the marinades. First time I rinsed them all and patted dry, this time I just let them drip for a while. Jerky will be done in the morning, sausage will be Wednesday.
Sounds good. Ill send my address so you can send me some samples(for quality control).
All right jerky is all done



It's a salty teriyaki compared to what you get in the store, even with the sugar. It takes a lot of sugar to make it as sweet as store bought, but I prefer it salty.

"Bourbon" brown sugar


This comes out fairly sweet, with Grand Marnier more so, good though, I prefer this sweet to making my teriyaki sweet. Next time real bourbon.



Just about right for spicy, could be a little hotter but not much, doesn't quite make you sweat. I think a longer marinade time would make it hotter. Good, next time try with pineapple juice.

Rib rub


Had to go back and take some of the rub off, little too intense. I like it though, can be pretty spicy. Next time I will spread it all out and apply an even coat lightly on both sides instead of tossing in a bag. The dry rub definitely shortens the drying time.
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