NEW SITKA Ambient 75

suggestions for first trip?


New member
Feb 23, 2019
Hey all, i haven't applied for anything yet but wanting to try my hand at Wyoming antelope. Im not looking for a trophy but just want to get my feet wet and have fun. I see several posts about units 22 and 113 being huntable but not so enjoyable? Im not looking for anyones spots but if you have suggestions or words of wisdom im here to learn.
Hey all, i haven't applied for anything yet but wanting to try my hand at Wyoming antelope. Im not looking for a trophy but just want to get my feet wet and have fun. I see several posts about units 22 and 113 being huntable but not so enjoyable? Im not looking for anyones spots but if you have suggestions or words of wisdom im here to learn.
I made my first Wyoming antelope hunt last year. It was successful because of help from members here. You won’t find a more helpful group. In my opinion your question is too general and has been asked plenty. Spend some time (I spent hours) searching this and other forums for that type of general information. Then come back with more specific questions. Good luck. Researching the hunt can be just as fun as the hunt itself.
Wyoming antelope is a great way to get your feet wet in hunting, eastern Montana is fun as well. As Hankg said this topic is beat to death, there is a huge amount of info on units 113, 22, 23,25, etc on the forum.
Thanks for the responses. I've made my way through much of this forum and yes i apologize for bringing this dead horse back into the mix haha. Ill check out Montana's info and maybe go that route or just build a couple points and do another otc Colorado elk for now.
Dont be afraid to go out for a doe hunt! Its just as much fun for 10% of the cost
You have 3 full months before the application period closes om 5/31. Take your time to figure things out and you'll be surprised at how many units are available for buck tags and even a lot more for doe tags.

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