Sub-MOA .300 Win mag rifle recommendations?

I've got a Tikka T3 and can't get that thing to shoot worth a crap. Obviously lots of guys on here have had good luck with theirs and so I think I just need to keep tinkering with it. I've shot at least 5 different bullets through it and just can't get it to group.

For the guys that have one and it shoots well, did you use the factory rings? I'm thinking about getting a different rail for it and new rings. I feel like my issue must be with the scope.
I've got a Tikka T3 and can't get that thing to shoot worth a crap. Obviously lots of guys on here have had good luck with theirs and so I think I just need to keep tinkering with it. I've shot at least 5 different bullets through it and just can't get it to group.

For the guys that have one and it shoots well, did you use the factory rings? I'm thinking about getting a different rail for it and new rings. I feel like my issue must be with the scope.

I would say that your issue may be with the scope, but if the base and rings have no movement and hold the scope firmly, then you don't need new stuff. Just swap out the scope and try it. Been there, done that with lots of ammo burned.
I would say that your issue may be with the scope, but if the base and rings have no movement and hold the scope firmly, then you don't need new stuff. Just swap out the scope and try it. Been there, done that with lots of ammo burned.

I don't think it would be the scope as it was a brand new Leupold. I could try swapping it for something else though and see how it works.

MN Hunter- Thanks for the link. I might have to get some of those.
There are many good guns out there and I have owned a 300 Win Mag in four different manufacturers. I would have to agree that the all around best gun that I have held on to is the Browning X Bolt. With factory ammo I can legitimately average just over MOA at 100 yards, but with my own 180 TTSX reloads out of a sled, .5 MOA is possible. I had an older Ruger 77 that would average 1.5" groups and was a tank to tote around the mountains. The Ruger was a solid gun, but not as accurate or as light as the Browning. I had a Savage 111 but the recoil with the plastic stock was brutal. The other gun I still have in this caliber is a Tikka T3. The bolt is smooth as silk and on par with the X Bolt as far as accuracy. I pick the X Bolt because I swear the recoil feels like a 270 Win to me. Both of these rifles go with me to Wyoming and Colorado every other year.
It shot about .75 for one group last night with 180's & your load data. Then it went all catty-whompus again and wasn't consistent, opening up to about 2 inches at 100 yards with 1& 3 touching, and 2 going wild.

The 06 dumped all 5 165 grain pills into about .5.

I'm sticking with the 06.

I am having issues with my 300 wsm. I've been shooting the HSM Berger 185 grs but it is all over the place. Not sure why......going to try new manufactuer and see if it helps.

My 06 is a tack driver so it may be time to knock the cobwebs off and get the barrel heated up again.
Thanks everyone, there's lots of good info in your replies.

I started this thread after returning from the shooting range. I was frustrated with my .30-06 shooting a 5-shot string, not a group, spanning 5 inches at 100 yards. That wasn't my hunting load, fortunately. I haven't got into loading my own so I'm stuck relying on what companies choose to produce. Having a rifle that consistently shoots just one out of many tested cartridges isn't ideal.

I posted about .300 WM since a friend has one and really likes it. I'm not a collector, and want one rifle for all my hunting. It sounds like there are plenty of caliber options for that purpose, and maybe .30-06 ballistics aren't that different than .300 WM.

The sub-MOA guarantee is interesting to me since if a company is willing to claim that, hopefully they put extra care into the build. I'm open to all options, and it sounds like a used custom build might be worth looking at. I had thought custom rifles would be out of my budget.

I handled a Tikka a year or so back. I liked most things about it but probably would need it in a different stock than the one I looked at, as it felt a bit front-heavy.

The Howa in a B&C stock sounds very interesting. I'll also look at the Weatherby, Savage, and others mentioned.
If you have some basic gunsmith skills and know anything about reloading and transitional ballistics, you can make a sub-moa rifle out of about any rifle.. If you are looking for something off the shelf, probably Tikka, Sako, Doumolin. Tikka is in your price range. The other two, probably not.

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