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Stuff my Hunting dog ATE.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
I'm comingto find out that Labs have a proclivity to chew and swallow some strange stuff. It has been 3 years since ML has brought Bogey home as a puppy and his list is impressive.

Women's underwear (multiple times)
a Kong dog curry
A bag full of dove feathers

A friend had a lab who ate an entire bike helmet.

Anyone else had a garbage gut dog?
My friend's lab, who was a failed hunting dog, ate an entire bottle of ibuprofen (Costco size) after shredding my duffel bag to get to it.
Our rescue pitt/shepard mutt ate 4 different tv/cable remotes. She ate a plugged in power cord one time. Some carpet off the stairs in a house we were renting. She also chewed her way our of multiple steel wire kennels and a plastic one to accomplish all of these misdeeds.
My Dad's dog has eaten three socks, a small tennis ball and a medium sized rock. I now dubbed him "Shop-vac".🤣🤣

My lab still eats deer crap like he'll never see food again! When he was young, he wolfed down a cow pie 🤢🤢. No hugs for a couple of days!
My Brittany had a fetish for shoe insoles. He’d pull them out of my running shoes and devour them. He finally outgrew it after a few years, but I could tell the moment I walked into the house whether he’d done it or not. He’d greet me with this pitiful cowering look vs. his normal happy excited look. Then I’d start looking for the shoe and he’d automatically go hide in his crate. It passed me off that I couldn’t break him of it, but it was also kinda funny how he knew that he was in trouble.
My younger lab is a big fan of eating stuff she shouldn’t. Multiple dog beds, foam stuffing, rubber training bumpers, huge house plants, small succulent plants (horrible cow pie diarrhea from that), half a large cardboard box, a board off the wood crate her toys are in.
Growing up we had a yellow lab/golden retriever cross, he puked up on our floor an entire 2 enchilada tv dinner with the tray still whole that he must have found in the neighbor's garbage.
Raised/trained Chessies...siding on the shop, any bumper I forgot to put away, a pair of Keen boots (one each from two different pairs...both left feet for some damn reason), a wood duck mount off the coffee table, a few sets of deer horns, strap off wife's purse, sure there is more I left out but those were the ones that elicited a bit of swearing from the "master" (insert rolling eyes here!)
My dad told me he just returned from rabbit hunting once and left his game vest and beagle in the barn while he went in the house. When he came back out to the barn, his game vest was empty and the beagle had two cotton tails sticking out of his mouth. Ate the rabbits whole - guts, fur and all. He figured the pain and bloating that dog was about to endure was punishment enough.
I have 2 labs, one only chews his toys. The other-

Cat poop
Shoe insoles
Half a down pillow
A foam sleeping pad
Rope- that one was a rodeo when it came out
Whole fish
The hair off a troll doll
A door
I have 2 labs. Cat poop, rocks(2 emergency surgeries), my wife’s 6 down pillows, a whole bag of trail mix, a whole bag of chocolate chips, more baby diapers then I can count, kids plastic toys, fertilizer, socks, shoes, and I could go on for days. How they have made it to 4 years old is beyond me.
Between these two: Grizzly bear crap, an iPhone, socks and underwear, most of a bag of Halloween candy, shoes, sunglasses, and both tenderloins off an antelope I briefly left in my parent’s garage. They’ve mostly grown out of that phase...

Edit: they also got into a 20 pound bag of Traeger pellets and had hickory scented farts for a while.

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I also had a 12 week old lab pup swallow a whole hickory nut once. He was vomiting for a few days, then stopped eating altogether. Had no idea what was wrong with him, so off to the vet. Vet couldn’t figure it our either so referred us to the Vet School and NC State. They did an x-ray which clearly showed an “object” lodged between his large and small intestines. Given that it had been lodged there for nearly a week, they said the only options were surgery ($1,000 minimum) or put him down. We’d only had him a month and didn’t really have $1,000 to spend on a dog that was supposed to be “free”, so I told my wife “it’s good that we haven’t gotten too attached to him yet”. To which she began crying. Long story short, that dog lived to be 13, and I kept that hickory nut as a souvenir!
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