Storing uncooked summer sausage till smoking


New member
Aug 17, 2018
St. Louis, MO
Hi all,

Trying my hand at making summer sausage for the 2nd time. Last year I cooked it in the oven, this year I would like to try and use my dad's smoker.

So, would I be able to grind and mix in the cure salt and seasonings on a Sunday, then stuff them Sunday afternoon, and then refrigerate till a Friday?

Not much info online about how long to store uncooked summer sausage before cooking. Any experience here? Probably should have asked before starting.....

I would mix and stuff one day then smoke the next. That mix gets really sticky and might not stuff very easy after that many days. The cure should make it safe to refrig for that long though.
I tried to wait 2 days,sausages dried and shriveled up.Don't wait,overnight at most.I make Javelina Summer Sausage every year,The cureing salt will start to dry them from inside the casings.Enjoy!:cool:
I have done an overnight slow cook (waking up to feed chips every couple hours) then bumped the temp up to finish the cook in my smoker before. I can't remember the temps exactly but the Cabela's brand summer sausage kit has the instructions. That works well for me when I'm short on time.

I agree that the binders in those mixes makes it like glue...I say mix and stuff then either smoke overnight or first thing the next morning.
Thanks everyone. I will wait until it is closer to smoke them. Good to know that technically they would be safe to consume though.
If you wait too long, the salt in the sausage makes the meat set up like concrete....hard to stuff. I mix and stuff on one day, let it set up in the casing overnight, and smoke the next morning. I take it out of the frig for an hour or two to allow it get close to room temp before smoking.
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