Stay Alert, Stay Alive


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
During weekdays I don't take I77 to get back home from work. 7AM traffic is insane. I cut over to Medina Line road and take a calm 45 MPH cruise through the farms. Yeah it adds 5 min's but WTF.

This morning I was rolling along on cruise control and noticed a Red Jeep approaching the road along their driveway, so I instinctively covered the brake, just in case.

Good thing I did. Jeep doesn't even slow and comes right on out when I'm less then 100' away !!!!! HARD swerve to the left all the way over into the oncoming lane and hit the gravel on that side !

Lady in the Jeep didn't even know I was there until I was almost past her ! Never made any corrective action to avoid. Thank God there was no on-coming.

She was within 1/4 of a second at being T-Boned directly in her drivers door and completely oblivious .........

Whenever you're attention. Others aren't!
Sometimes on those back country roads people just get used to no one coming and get complacent on watching for cars.
I was coming to an intersection one time and a grain truck was coming down the other road not super fast but I could tell they weren't slowing down for the stop sign. I slowed down and the guy drove straight through the stop sign and never looked around. Would have smoked me if I kept going. It was only a couple years later that he didn't hit someone.
Sometimes on those back country roads people just get used to no one coming and get complacent on watching for cars.
I was coming to an intersection one time and a grain truck was coming down the other road not super fast but I could tell they weren't slowing down for the stop sign. I slowed down and the guy drove straight through the stop sign and never looked around. Would have smoked me if I kept going. It was only a couple years later that he didn't hit someone.
Well she got a Major Wake-The-F-Up this morning !! Spiced my day to say the least.
I have taken to just pull to the side with the nuts that drive our dirt roads here now. Right down the middle 50mph.
One of these days...I'll drive right past them crawling out of the wreck and wave as I drive by. Perfect non EMT mode now.
Situational awareness is important these days.
It's Always been important .
Sometimes on those back country roads people just get used to no one coming and get complacent on watching for cars.
I was coming to an intersection one time and a grain truck was coming down the other road not super fast but I could tell they weren't slowing down for the stop sign. I slowed down and the guy drove straight through the stop sign and never looked around. Would have smoked me if I kept going. It was only a couple years later that he didn't hit someone.
I decided to report it to the Sheriff, they took the report & then referred me to the OHSP. Why? Because I know if I hadn't reacted as fast as I did ....She would be dead, DEAD. And, I would have to live with it the rest of my life. Maybe they can find her and slap some sense.
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