Stalking Shoes/socks


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
NW Iowa
So for you guys that stalk up real close for bowhunting what do you think of these 4 products to make your approach more quiet? Eastern WY and Western SD are full of tiny cactus and sand burrs, so I'm not too thrilled about just taking my boots off and covering the last 50 yards in my socks. At first I thought a pair of moccasins would be best for feel but then I was thinking your weight is going to crush anything noisy regardless of whether you have on just socks, or moccasins, or furry boot covers. Maybe some of you have used one of these products and can attest to their effectiveness or worthlessness? Thanks for any advice!
Ive never used a product like that, but have thought about it before. Of those four, the only one I would consider is the rimroks. Ankle stability is important in the hills/mountains and the other three don't look like they would be doing you any favors on an incline. I think I am generally in agreement with Khunter, though. More important than having some version of slippers on is knowing when you can move, how much noise you can make with the animal you are going after, and going slowwwww when you have to.
So do you two guys take your boots off and just use your socks or do you just keep boots on? I'm not worried about ankle support on the last 50 yards of a stalk going super slow. Most concerned about noise, secondly concerned about all the cactuses, they are almost everywhere in some of the areas we have hunted, but we have only rifle hunted and not worried about foot noise at 100-300 yards. Assuming bowhunting and stalking to 20-40 yards will be different.
I just put a heavy pair of socks on over my wool socks. Buy some of the cheap bulky ones. Not having shoe protection will force you to slow down, which is part of the goal,
Get some leather moccs with a crepe rubber sole. Russell Moccasin makes the Mohican Stalker that is a great boot but pricey.
I like the sneektec. I am going to order a pair of those tomorrow. They look to be the quietest of the top two. I understand you don’t “need” a special pair of anything but I also know I’ve hunted some places where you simply can’t move without making noise; especially when it hasn’t rained for two or three months.
The quietest boots I have used are the LL Bean boots. The crepe sole is soft enough to feel what you are stepping on. The soles don't last long where I hunt as the terrain is pretty rough and the soles wear out pretty quick.
Perfect! I like green and yellow clown shoes better! So are you saying quit being a wuss and grow a pair and pick the cactuses out of your feet after you shoot your buck ? Hahaha! Good one Greenhorn! Wondered how long it would take to get to this territory :)
The acorn slipper socks sucked, dry vegetation was loud underneath. The Sneektec boots worked Ok if you want to take the time to put them on. Luckily the day I shot my buck it was blowing 25 mph and he was bedded in a washout. I walked up to the edge and nearly pinned him to the ground in his bed :) With my regular hunting boots on. If there hadn't been strong wind I would have used the sneektec or just went in 2 layers of wool socks and sucked it up when I found bad things underfoot.
I like my sneektecs. Ive stalked with them for the last two seasons but before that I use to stalk with just socks and boots in areas with cactus. The whole reason I got the sneektecs was because of eastern montana. If I had to do it again I think I would have tried leather moccasins but again I haven't had any issues with the sneektecs.

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