Caribou Gear

Paper to Print MT Licenses


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
I experimented with a few different brands and types of paper to print your licenses on.

I wasn't keen on just plain copy paper and using baggies in the field, so I went through some samples. I was looking for paper that would hold ink well, how thick it needed to be to be durable, and how expensive this stuff is.
I have a laser printer which you shouldn't have any issues with the finished product using. I borrowed my parent's ink jet and found all papers smudged when wet.

It looks like we will be on these print your own until 2022, probably 2023 given the current rate the new website and digital tags are taking.

The paper that I had the best results that didn't bleed/smudge once dry was Terraslate 4 mil Waterproof paper. A whole package will probably do what you need for the duration of the stop-gap.

I know the whole situation isn't ideal and frankly a pain, but I wanted to offer this to the rest of HT. If you find another option, hopefully a cheaper one, please share.
So this old luddite goes online and purchases licenses, then at the end of transaction prints them. However, at the bottom of each tag it reads, "The information for printing your tags will be sent via a separate e-mail". So I go to that e-mail and cannot use the link to print tags.

When opening the e-mail I get the following message when attempting to link to a page for printing my tags. "The link from your FWP Print Tags Notification email is no longer valid. Our system has determined that your have already printed your tags. If you have not printed your tags, please refer to the Need Help? section for assistance."

What is the problem? Are the tags valid with the message "The information for printing your tags will be sent via a separate e-mail" at the bottom of the tags?

The "Need Help" section usually is another rabbit hole for this luddite.

May other more astute HT keyboarders please clarify for me. Thanks in advance.
I also got this message this morning after I clicked on the link via email for the tags:
Error MT 2020.JPG
Leave it to the government to make things simpler. :mad:

I may just go to the Region 3 office and buy everything there.
Leave it to the government to make things simpler. :mad:

I may just go to the Region 3 office and buy everything there.
I'm guessing Monday will be a shitshow at the office. That's what they indicated when I tried to buy my fishing license Friday....unsuccessfully. (they wouldnt let me)
Fine...I'm fishing today illegally then:)
Couldn't get beyond purchase of fishing license only this morning in an attempt at trying to go fishing. Good thing I can wait for the hunting stuff but I was pretty made after trying 5 times to get beyond a blank page that said "additional information required"

Seems silly they didn't give a week overlap to work kinks out.
This reminds me of a few years ago when I booked a mountain lion hunt in Colorado, but before I could buy my license, I had to take a lion ID test on their web page. I tried the test 6 times on my computer. Their test program wouldn't let me finish the test all 6 times. I then went to Denver and tried taking the test on my friend's computer. Again, the program wouldn't let me finish the test.

So I went to the Colorado FWP Regional office in Denver and tried taking the test on their public computer in their office, and once again the program wouldn't let me finish the test. So they called out the guy that wrote the test program, and HE couldn't get the program to work. He then worked on some things with the program, then sat down with me and he did the test and put in the answers that I gave him. He said one of my answers was wrong and marked his answer. When the computer graded my test, the only answer that I got wrong was the one that he marked instead the answer that I gave him.
Following is the e-mail message received today from FWP.

Your license that included a carcass tag purchased yesterday or Sunday (3/1/2020 and 03/02/2020) did not print. We will be printing out everyone licenses and carcass tags and mailing them today with our apologies.

The issue is now fixed, and should not be happening in the future.
Bought mine on monday, didnt have too much trouble. It did seem very tedious how once you got that email to print tags how you have to make sure they print right the first time or it says your out of luck.
Bought mine on monday, didnt have too much trouble. It did seem very tedious how once you got that email to print tags how you have to make sure they print right the first time or it says your out of luck.
The way my printer seems to work at home there's probably an 80% chance some of the tags/licenses would get messed up. Especially doing my own, my wife, and my dads. At that point would have to go into the office to get it reprinted. So i'm just going to go into the office from the get-go and let them screw it up ha.
You guys that have bought and printed- is the link they give you time sensitive, or can you print it whenever you get a chance?

I'm trying to decide if I should apply now or wait until I have a printer handy.
I asked this question yesterday at the office. They said the link is good for as long as necessary until it’s been accessed.
Can you print the tag to a PDF? Or even screen capture the page? Not doing this for shady purposes, but I like the idea of keeping a backup electronic copy that can be printed if needed again.
Instead of putting it in a baggy I was going to laminate it with clear packing tape. FWP says this is ok.

How big are these tags when printed? Those permits they used to send out were ridiculously big.

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