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Squatters otherwise known as shitbags rights.

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The old adverse possession case. 20 years is a long time, how did it not dawn on the losing party for 20 years that this was happening until it was too late? Having read a lot of these cases in pursing a land surveying degree, I would have to say how many times could they have made the situation hostile?
In some states, it's 7 years. Learned as a kid what that was all about because of a hog farmer who was encroaching on our land to get to the creek.

In some states, it's 7 years. Learned as a kid what that was all about because of a hog farmer who was encroaching on our land to get to the creek.

It’s only 5 in Montana.
Whats the law in Idaho? I hear the Wilke’s brothers have a ton of land and i doubt every inch is patrolled. Little shack hidden somewhere and BOOM, private hunting cabin. Bury a wireless fence for the boundary and get some acreage.
Do we expect anything less from a culture whose government just hands everything out to people? Maybe if you steal a car and it isn't reported stolen for two hours the thief should be able to have it.

This country is going to shit.
Do we expect anything less from a culture whose government just hands everything out to people? Maybe if you steal a car and it isn't reported stolen for two hours the thief should be able to have it.

This country is going to shit.
This is nothing new and has been around for a long time. To be granted adverse possession you have to fulfill all elements of adverse possession. The squatter here must have been able to show proof that occupation of real property in question was open and notorious, exclusive, hostile, continuous and not interrupted for require period of time.
I can’t believe people think adverse possession is some wildly new law LoL

Where did this doctrine come from? Even historians recognize that the origins of adverse possession are surrounded by a “historical fog.” Perhaps the earliest recognition of this doctrine dates back to about 2000 B.C. in the Code of Hammurabi, which explained that if a man left his house, garden, or field and another person possessed and used it for three years, the newcomer retained the land. Ancient Romans believed a person who possessed land nurtured the spirit of the land and gained a greater “ownership” in the land than the title owner.
This is nothing new and has been around for a long time. To be granted adverse possession you have to fulfill all elements of adverse possession. The squatter here must have been able to show proof that occupation of real property in question was open and notorious, exclusive, hostile, continuous and not interrupted for require period of time.
Let me be clear: if you buy something, you should have rights to that something. When property rights mean nothing, owning property means nothing. No matter what mental gymnastics you do to make this seem right, you are wrong.

My comment wasn't whether it was legal or not. It was that our government gives shit away to lazy people at the expense of people who work and I believe that is complete bullshit. And it has culminated to the point where people literally living in someone else's house has claim to own that house.

The man in the article should have been given a warning, and if he didn't leave, a bullet...not the deed to the house.

I'm sorry if you thought I was directing this specifically at our fragile, bumbling idiot in the White House was directed at our government as a whole, over a period of time where they are all culpable. We are now at a point where people like you will argue why it is right for someone to steal something that is his and claim it....and think nothing of the implications of a country with no property rights.

Perhaps take a moment to Google what happened when property rights disappeared in Zimbabwe around the year 2000.
Never said it was right.
This is true. And I never said it wasn't law.

I think we're arguing different things.

I have a hard time with the idea of people stealing property in a way that is legal. I don't see it as right, and I don't see those who do it as upstanding citizens who are contributing to society.

We have an interesting set of laws. If you break into a house and steal more than $1000 worth of stuff, you've committed several felonies and can end up in prison for multiple decades.

If you just break in and live in the house long enough, you can just keep the house and eventually get the deed put in your name.
A few years back I heard of a water rights situation in Socorro,NM.
A deputy had bought a lot and asked neighbor if he could run a hose from his well until the driller came.
The well owner said OK, a hose.
5 years later the deputy filed a claim to the water rights with the State Eng. office. They sided with the deputy as he had a history of getting water from the well.
The well owner lost half the rights to the water from the well on his own land.

Moral of story is never let anyone get water from your well and don't just trust deputy dirtbags either.
Let me be clear: if you buy something, you should have rights to that something. When property rights mean nothing, owning property means nothing. No matter what mental gymnastics you do to make this seem right, you are wrong.

My comment wasn't whether it was legal or not. It was that our government gives shit away to lazy people at the expense of people who work and I believe that is complete bullshit. And it has culminated to the point where people literally living in someone else's house has claim to own that house.

The man in the article should have been given a warning, and if he didn't leave, a bullet...not the deed to the house.

I'm sorry if you thought I was directing this specifically at our fragile, bumbling idiot in the White House was directed at our government as a whole, over a period of time where they are all culpable. We are now at a point where people like you will argue why it is right for someone to steal something that is his and claim it....and think nothing of the implications of a country with no property rights.

Perhaps take a moment to Google what happened when property rights disappeared in Zimbabwe around the year 2000.
It’s not mental gymnastics, it’s been around for a long time and has nothing to do with who occupies the White House. This will continue to go on no matter if an R,D or I occupy it. The laws surrounding this are old, if you don’t like it contact your representatives but I don’t think much will change.

You could look at it also as the property owner has no clue what they owned until the winner filed the adverse claim. Then it’s all pants on fire and others come unglued. Why should a landowner not have to take care their property?

Is it right? Depends on how one looks at the situation and justifies that to themselves. But at the end of the day there are laws on the book for this already. I am sure many don’t agree with all the laws there are but still have to follow them.

And to be clear I’m not saying it’s right, but I did learn that it is the surveyors job to find facts and present them to the judge. Therefore in a situation such as described in the link I am impartial on the situation.
This is true. And I never said it wasn't law.

I think we're arguing different things.

I have a hard time with the idea of people stealing property in a way that is legal. I don't see it as right, and I don't see those who do it as upstanding citizens who are contributing to society.

We have an interesting set of laws. If you break into a house and steal more than $1000 worth of stuff, you've committed several felonies and can end up in prison for multiple decades.

If you just break in and live in the house long enough, you can just keep the house and eventually get the deed put in your name.
You can’t break into a house. That is called breaking and entering, burglary, criminal trespass, or however your state names it. There are stipulations to adverse possession.
If you just break in and live in the house long enough, you can just keep the house and eventually get the deed put in your name.
Again not saying this is an action that is right, but there is more to it than just entering and living in the home.
It’s not mental gymnastics, it’s been around for a long time and has nothing to do with who occupies the White House. This will continue to go on no matter if an R,D or I occupy it. The laws surrounding this are old, if you don’t like it contact your representatives but I don’t think much will change.

You could look at it also as the property owner has no clue what they owned until the winner filed the adverse claim. Then it’s all pants on fire and others come unglued. Why should a landowner not have to take care their property?

Is it right? Depends on how one looks at the situation and justifies that to themselves. But at the end of the day there are laws on the book for this already. I am sure many don’t agree with all the laws there are but still have to follow them.

And to be clear I’m not saying it’s right, but I did learn that it is the surveyors job to find facts and present them to the judge. Therefore in a situation such as described in the link I am impartial on the situation.
Enough of the fence sitting...have an opinion.

Is it wrong to steal something someone owns, even if it is legal?

Do you think it is right that breaking into a house and stealing stuff can get the offender decades in prison, but stealing the whole house is ok? I mean, the people who got robbed should have been their guarding their stuff right?
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