Spring Bears With Hounds Proposed

I grew up in Idaho where dogs and baits were accepted for spring bear. My dad and I spot-and-stalked and never had a conflict with houndsfolks. The problem I see is running hounds after bears in grizzly country, which is basically now the western third of the Montana. I would be real cautious about setting up that conflict for both political and practical reasons.
After I saw this was presented today I asked a handful of guys I know that are houndsman what their thoughts were. Their thoughts rein in heavily on the safety of their dogs and themselves. Obviously certain areas present a greater grizzly and wolf encounter over others but in their thoughts they'd prefer to not even mess with it.

Some brought up past experiences in accidental bear encounters in late spring runs and admitted, it's a different deal when the hounds cross a bear track and bay em up. They also said they couldn't even imagine a grizzly encounter. It wouldn't be good for anyone, the people, the dogs and especially the bear....

Not sure how these thoughts will ring out for other houndsman but it might ring pretty true.
Double standard at its finest.
How do you figure? When waterfowl hunting, my dogs only pick up dead birds or find cripples. Even when upland hunting they don't run down birds after hours of noisily chasing them. Running game animals with hounds is a totally different ethical "standard" than hunting birds with retreivers and pointers. The stress on the game being harvested is clearly not remotely comparable. As an illustrious aficionado of ultra expensive exotic pointing dogs, I would think you could understand that. But maybe unnecessarily stressing game doesn't matter to you? Wouldn't surprise me.

Perhaps you might want to double your grownup pill prescription and stop trolling my posts.
How do you figure? When waterfowl hunting, my dogs only pick up dead birds or find cripples. Even when upland hunting they don't run down birds after hours of noisily chasing them. Running game animals with hounds is a totally different ethical "standard" than hunting birds with retreivers and pointers. The stress on the game being harvested is clearly not remotely comparable. As an illustrious aficionado of ultra expensive exotic pointing dogs, I would think you could understand that. But maybe unnecessarily stressing game doesn't matter to you? Wouldn't surprise me.

Perhaps you might want to double your grownup pill prescription and stop trolling my posts.
Have you ever hunted with hounds?

Your dogs pursue pheasants in cover and force them to fly from fear of being caught. No difference between that and a hound pursuing a game animal. I’ve seen how stressed cougars are when they are sleeping the tree.

I’m not trolling anything. Just pointing out the obvious.
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How do you figure? When waterfowl hunting, my dogs only pick up dead birds or find cripples. Even when upland hunting they don't run down birds after hours of noisily chasing them. Running game animals with hounds is a totally different ethical "standard" than hunting birds with retreivers and pointers. The stress on the game being harvested is clearly not remotely comparable. As an illustrious aficionado of ultra expensive exotic pointing dogs, I would think you could understand that. But maybe unnecessarily stressing game doesn't matter to you? Wouldn't surprise me.

Perhaps you might want to double your grownup pill prescription and stop trolling my posts.
When i was stationed in VA they ran deer with dogs, LOTs of dogs. Never forget the newspaper week before sesson opened one year, a landowner placed a add that read "the property at 123 whatever road is posted and no trespassing is allowed, illiterate dogs will be shot". Thats what my biggest concern would be more problems with public/private interactions and that 2% having more negative impacts on 98% who do things right.
Have you ever hunted with hounds?

Your dogs pursue pheasants in cover and force them to fly from fear of being caught. No difference between that and a hound pursuing a game animal. I’ve seen how stressed cougars are when they are sleeping the tree.

I’m not trolling anything. Just pointing out the obvious.
Very high probability that lion isn’t getting shot at with anything besides a camera as well
Very high probability that lion isn’t getting shot at with anything besides a camera as well
Agreed, the vast majority of lions get let go. Unless there's a shooter present 99.9 percent of the time it isn't the houndsman.
Problem. At least where I am. A bunch of lions need to die. mtmuley
Also could be very true in some areas. Some people that allow access are the I don't care what's in the tree it's getting whacked. I've heard of guys losing permission over not harvesting the cat..... which is weird but it's a perception thing I supposed
Makes me want to head west this year to go on a spot and stalk bear hunt. Been quite a few years since I’ve made it out
Also could be very true in some areas. Some people that allow access are the I don't care what's in the tree it's getting whacked. I've heard of guys losing permission over not harvesting the cat..... which is weird but it's a perception thing I supposed
Cats aren't hunted on private property much around these parts. Shitload of them on NF. mtmuley
Honestly why spring. Why not fall. Spring god forbid antler hunters, snow mobilers, fwp doing there counts that dont matte. Fall hounds?
I don't have a problem with hound hunting, but as several folks have mentioned the real issue will be conflicts with grizzly bears. There's more black bear hunting land with grizzlies than without in MT. If we're trying to delist grizzlies this will set us back 10 years.

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