Spring Bear Hunting - Camo Question


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2015
SE Indiana
I am toying with the idea of a spring bear hunt next year in Montana. I have never hunted bear before and I really like the idea of a spot and stalk type hunt. What type of camouflage is ideal for bear?

I have a ton of ASAT for hunting deer/elk. Is ASAT as effective for a predator like a bear? I am sure motion and playing the wind are important as ever, but what about camouflage?
Honestly, I personally don't think it's even necessary.
Hey if you got it and want to wear it that's great, but seriously it's 100% not necessary. Not trying to be a smart ass but it's just not necessary. Good Luck!
I know there are guys up in SE Alaska who hide behind a black umbrella to sneak up on them, apparently to look like another bear... Honestly, they're nearly blind, so camo doesn't really matter. Their noses are incredible though. There is no way to fool a bear's nose if you're upwind of him, so you have to work the wind and thermals to your advantage. Don't make any sudden movements once you're in close, and don't worry about the camo.
Actually, in my experience bears are not nearly blind. I think they see about as well as we do. It's just that they are not as concerned about vision as they are smell. In areas where they get hunted, I've seen them react to seeing people from quite a ways off.

Scent is all important. Don't discount their vision, but use whatever camo you are comfortable in.
I don’t wear camo for bears. I do, however, wear clothing I can easily see ticks on. I bring ticks in the house I’ll get banned from bear hunting
Don't worry about camp, just have good quality clothing, and if it happens to be camo all the better to use for other types of hunting. Bear don't see as well as other game but do pick out movement.
I don’t wear camo for bears. I do, however, wear clothing I can easily see ticks on. I bring ticks in the house I’ll get banned from bear hunting

Good piece of advice here. Solid pants are much easier to find ticks on than camo.
Thanks for all the responses. Very helpful. Looks like I am good to go on the clothing side. I was worried I was going to need to invest in something other than ASAT.
Just do drab, warm seasonal colored whatever is comfortable for the weather. Don't over thunk it. Bears & and pigs see about as well as we do, which is not all that great.

Camo is not you're problem....their nose is !! (unless you plan on using dogs)
In Montana bear hunters are required to wear 400 sq inches of orange above the waist. Any drab color underneath and pants is just fine. Wind is THE most critical part of the hunt. Sound and sight is next.

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