Spotting Scope Power


New member
Jan 16, 2017
Upstate NY
Hello All,

I am looking for recommendations for a spotting scope. I want to know what people think about getting a 16-48x 65mm spotting scope vs 27-60x 85mm spotting scope. It is the same model spotting scope but the 16-48 is much cheaper. I am looking to hunt out west and I do not know how much of a difference the additional magnification would make. Thanks so much for the help
My setup for out west is a pair of Vortex Viper HD 10x42's and a Vortex Razor 11-33x50. The scope is light weight and packs very easily. The Vipers are always around my neck carried in a Alaska Guide Creation bino harness. I like the least amount of weight possible that's why I went with the smallest razor available. Will you be backcountry hunting were every ounce counts? The additional magnification between what you are looking at vs what I have would be if you are trying to tell if it's a 350" bull or just a shooter. The higher magnification will let you be able to get a better look at judging the animal. Just my opinion though.
I carry the exact spotter with 10x42 sawo EL's . My thoughts are the same as above.
I have a nice 82mm objective spotting scope that tends to stay at camp 90% of the time. I've been looking at smaller scopes trying to figure out which one to buy for a year or so now.
For me it wasn't so much the power range as objective size and weight. Since I could purchase only one spotter, I went with a 65 mm objective. I can still pack the scope, and it also has decent performance if I am just glassing from or near a vehicle or camp. I also always wear 10x42 binos. You can go with a smaller objective spotter than 65mm, but if you are already packing 10x42's, to me it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. mtmuley
I agree on the power range and weight but have no experience with the Vortex Razor lineup. I had an older Nikon that met the power and weight criteria but the glass (or my eyes) were not good enough to see through mirage without turning the power way down and the clarity at higher power was poor even in colder weather.

My advice would be to seek out some models at your dealer and test them other various conditions and see what works for you. Another issue is holding them still enough when the power is up, especially in the wind. Anything but a setup that works is not worth packing and will soon be left at camp.