Spooked In The Woods

Heavy Chevy

New member
Nov 20, 2001
After reading these 3 storys im not sure i want to hunt the field im supposed to. Has anyone ever heard anything like this.

The weirdest thing I heard about tho was a guy I know that was sitting in his treestand one afternoon about 10 years ago watching 2 groups of deer in a small field in front of him.

These deer were 40 or so yards apart and 50 yards in front of him. The field was only about 80 yards across then the woods started again. Anyway, these two groups of deer suddenly snapped up their heads and looked across the field into the woods. My friend saw nothing and watched as these deer started turning their heads as if following something that had walked out of the woods and right between them heading in my friends direction.

My buddy said he didn't see anything as the deer kept looking and following it with their gaze as if they were actually seeing something cross the field between them. Frank also said the hairs on the back of his neck were standing straight up and he smelled something terrible, like rotten meat.

Then he heard it. Crunching leaves as footsteps walked into the woods right in front of him and continued walking right under the tree he was sitting in. He kept hearing the footsteps and a weird sort of whispering until it got farther away and eventually faded from earshot. He looked back to the field, the deer were feeding again as if nothing had happened.

My friend climbed down and backtracked the imprints/disturbed leaves 10 yards to the field edge where whatever it was had walked in. There, in the soft mud at the fields edge, he found bare human footprints that were facing backwards !!
He left right then and there with his stand still in the tree and never hunted that woods again.

True story folks. He won't even talk about it.

Here is the second story.

First of all, I want to say hello to you all. I'm an ex-LEO, father of 4 and have been a hunter most of my life. I no longer go into the woods, but do fish on the lake in my spare time.
I've been a lurker for quite awhile and have never posted before now. I very much enjoy reading the great stuff here. After seeing these writing about strange goingson in the forests, I felt compelled to reply.
After reading what I have to say, you'll see why.

I don't know Mr. Thunderhead or his friend.
But, what he says is true. I have seen this myself, twice.

Both times were in the same woods. I thought I was crazy the first time and seeing things, and talked myself into dismissing it to my overactive imagination.
I was wrong and paid dearly.
I refuse to talk about that part and am only telling this so others will heed the warnings about the dark.

The second time I was alone in my shack long before daylight opening morning, exactly one year to the day after my first encounter.
As I poured a cup of coffee, I heard footsteps in the leaves, hit my light and like before, could see nothing.
My blood ran cold.
I knew it was happening again as soon as I heard the whisperings as it drew closer.
I shut my eyes as tight as I could, this time the footsteps didn't keep going, but stopped at the window to my shack. The stench of rotting meat was sickening.
All I'm going to say is that when I opened my eyes what stood outside my shack glaring at me thru the window was something straight out of **** itself.
That's all I'm going to say.
I've never steeped foot inside a woods again and never will.

Please, do not PM me asking questions, I will not answer.
I do not want to discuss this and refuse to talk about even it to this day.
I only posted because I felt some of you thought someone was joshing you and didn't take it seriously.
Believe me, he's not.
There's something out there.

Here is a 3rd story that matchs the first 2 I have danced with the demon as well
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Four years ago i was walking back to camp after deer hunting one evening. I was walking on a long, narrow old dirt road and the trees had formed a canopy over the road. That scene got my heart beating just from being creepy looking, but that was nothing compared to 5 minutes after that. As I walked down this road I thought I heard foot steps in the leaves about 30 or 40 feet into the woods. The sun had recently gone down, but the tree canopy made it even darker so I could not see very far. The steps seemed like they were keeping stride with me, so I brushed it off as an echo to start with. After a minute or so, I knew it was not an echo. I started trying to catch it taking an extra step by walking a few steps and then stopping suddenly. Everytime I stopped, the footsteps stopped. By this time I am really getting nervous and short tempered. I stepped up my pace and was walking along at a steady rate. Then, in the middle of a stride, I stopped my foot about 1 inch before it touched the ground. CRUNCH! What ever was walking beside me finished it's step and crunched the leaves. I was so scared I was almost numb and started feeling sick. It was dead silent for about 5 seconds with neither of us moving. Then, all of a sudden, the footsteps started coming towards me. I new it was not a small animal, because besides the leaf crunching there was a definite light thud with every step. Like when you run in hiking boots. I shouted at whatever it was to identify itself or I would shoot. As I was shouting I was reaching for a gun. "Where did I put my rifle???" "Please God, hel....pistol!" I guess I was too terrified to think straight. "where is my d***n Pistol?". I finally found it in it's holster on my belt. Mind you all of these thougts are happening in miliseconds. (turned out my rifle was on my shoulder...ha...that is 9 kinds of scared when you can't find your rifle on your shoulder, I'm here to tell you.). Thankfully I finally found my Sig on my hip. I pulled that 45 so hard that I ripped the hammer snap clean off the holster. I emptied 2 magazines of .45, and then remembered my shouldered 30-06. I pulled the rifle around and started bolting rounds as fast as I could squeeze the trigger. After emptying the 4 round magazine, I pulled a fresh magazine out of my pocket and bolted a new round. About this time I have my wits about me and remember my 500,000 spot light that is in my back pack. I pulled my hunting knife and cut the back pack open down the side instead of taking the time to untie the wonderful knot I had put in leather tie straps before leaving my blind. Found the spot light and lit up the woods. NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I stood there dumb founded. I could not believe that there was nothing there. When I started firing into the woods, the foot steps were 10 feet from me, and still coming my direction! I walked to the edge of the woods and discovered that I was not crazy. There were human size footsteps in the leaves running parallel to the road I had been walking. Sure enough, they turned and started coming straight towards the road I was standing on. But then they just stopped. I mean plumb vanished...like somebody had taken flight and just disappeared into the sky. Before that night I had never been scared to be in the woods alone. I consider myself to be a man who can hold his own in the worse of situations. I have braved odds before that would make many men buckle. But that night I was scared. I mean "want your mommy" scared. Before that night I had cried 2 other times in my life. That night was number 3. I never went back into the woods on that property without a buddy. Say what you will about me taking a buddy with me, but you weren't there.
After reading the stories from those links at the beginning of this thread, I can't help but to wonder if I met with the same creature that night. I don't remember smellng rotten meat, but the wind was to my back when I was looking into the woods. I remember that because I dang near strained my neck two times from whipping around after being hit in the head with leaves blowing off of the trees behind me. What really creeps me out is that I heard the whispers. Until tonight I thought that weird noise was just the wind whistling through the trees. It was very distinct whispering, but at the same time sounded distant and muffled. I should not have ignored that sound, because I KNEW deep down inside that was not the wind. I could not reproduce the sound if I tried. I am not someone with a vivid imagination so I guess that's why I did not think twice about the sound until now. At the time it just made sense to assume it was the wind, because the wind was blowing lightly and I was in the woods. Normal stuff ...usually. I am greatful I did not know what was making that sound at the time, because I would have had to add wet pants to my admmition of tears. Guy's, I actually screamed 'Help Me', to God, as I was squeezing the first round off from my Sig. As I was firing that pistol, I promised God that if he would help me live through that night that I would not miss church any more on Sundays to go hunting. That lasted 2 weeks. I think he understands.

Am I alone, or are there others? If you don't want to post it publicly, I understand. I really do. You may pm me if you like. I just need to know.

By the way, I was in Young County, TX on a 650 acre lease at the end of Ward Road, half way between Newcastle and Olney.
You're kidding right? Halfway between Olney & Newcastle is about 60 miles south of me.
The last story took the cake...how many rounds out of his sig, then 8 out of his 06, before remembering he has a 500,000 candle power spotlight in his pack, that he had to cut out. Then he saw nothing, well folks if you sent 30-40 rounds in my direction in the dark, when you turned the light on you wouldn see me either, all you would see is disturbed leaves and a pile of shit. If these three guys spook that easy in the woods in the dark...its a good thing they decided to stay out of them. Before they kill someone.
Hey harley...being a geezer and all, it won't hurt for you to quicken that pulse up a bit while you're in the woods ;) ....but ya better start packin' a spare set of Depends! :eek: :D
:eek: You must be reading my mail Marv...I have to admit...going thru the woods this morning at 5 a.m., I couldn't quit thinking about Chevy's story...I was seeing Freaky Freddies behind every tree. :eek:
Just a couple nights ago when I was in some new area, I smelled some thing dead, must have been the same charactor... :D
I'm with Whiskers. The guy says the footsteps sound like hunting boots but he just fires wildly into the dark at them? Wow, manslaughter anyone?

Sounds to me like a couple of belated Halloween ghost stories, or maybe these guys just don't want you hunting their "Sweet Spot". :rolleyes:
I thought it was kind of funny too, the last one anyway.

After freaking out and emptying both of his firearms twice in a panic bordering on pure hysteria, the guy ventures off the road and into the woods to "track" whatever it was that spooked him. Yea right.
i have smelled that rotten flesh/egg smell while hunting the woods also....... i just zipper the coveralls up to mid chest now so it can mix with a lil fresh air first.......much easier on the nostrills but not near as funny.
JB said:
i have smelled that rotten flesh/egg smell while hunting the woods also....... i just zipper the coveralls up to mid chest now so it can mix with a lil fresh air first.......much easier on the nostrills but not near as funny.

:D :D :D :D it's the morning after chili dogs monster.
So much for these storys being bull crap. I found this on another bb.

I met a Native American when I was a child and he told me a very similar story. Something about having trouble seeing them. It scared me then I'd have to admit.

There are many definitions, almost as many as there were Native Tribes before the Europeans came to this continent. Most of Tribes knew of a creature they called "Windigo." But a few of the Tribes (mainly in this part of Canada) also feared another creature called the "Wendigo." Both of these creatures can be found in Native American mythology. But while Windigo is an actual animal, Wendigo is an animal spirit. The following is a transcription of one of the most comprehensive explanations of The Wendigo: WENDIGO, THE SPIRIT OF THE LONELY PLACES Every man who ventures alone into the wilderness should fear the spirit of the lonely places, known as Wendigo in northern Canada and by different names in other parts of the world. The cunning of Wendigo is that it knows how to keep out of your sight. As you travel, it is always behind your back. No matter how quickly you may turn, it moves faster. As you tramp through bush or forest, hills or desert, with no other company but your thoughts, you become slowly aware that Wendigo follows you. You may struggle against the temptation to swing around, but at last you turn and there is nothing. But you know that Wendigo has dodged behind you again, and you move quickly to surprise it. Again nothing, except perhaps the slightest movement of a bush. A breeze, or an animal, or Wendigo? You gaze everywhere around you, but there is nothing ... or so it seems. Wendigo torments some men until they empty their rifles blindly into the bush, screaming defiant challenges. But when the shots and cries have died away the silence settles again. The traveller plods on, and Wendigo follows. At night, it hovers outside the circle of the campfire. At dawn, it retreats in to the forest mist. As the days pass, Wendigo speaks to the traveller in little sighing whispers: words which he is not quite able to distinguish. Sometimes they sound like the voice of a friend, so that he shouts an amazed reply. Vainly he assures himself it is only the wind. He may even glimpse Wendigo, as a shadow moving between the trees or grass bending beneath invisible feet. At last the traveller runs before Wendigo, casting aside weapons, provisions, and all other gear that might hamper his flight. Sobbing desperately he runs until the end of his strength, and falls exhausted and alone. The wilderness silence settles around the body, although the treetops sway as though a wind had passed through them. Wendigo has gone, but will always return."
Gotta love a bottle of JAck D during hunting season......

You think thats freaky one time on the internet I had April married off to some guy that channeled with trees..... Thats right he talked to them and they talked back.... Damn I loved that art bell forum.

What the heck do you mean you had her married off? Were you done with her yourself? :confused: