Speed goats and lawn ornaments

Mica Man

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
Mica Flats, Idaho
Made a trip down near my cousin's home town of Salmon Idaho to do a little archery antelope hunting. Took my soon to be 80 yr old father and my 16 yr old son. Met my cousin and his boy for three and a half days of antelope camp.

Had a great time enjoying each others company, my cousins cooking, and reminiscing past hunts we've shared in the area over the years.

A proud moment as a father watching from my hiding spot at the end of a pivot line as this buck filed past my son and his freshly constructed rock pile blind at 40 yards. One well placed arrow and his smile says it all. 20200816_185659.jpg
20200816_185625.jpgMy cousin's kid not to be outdone followed up the next day taking a doe. 619377265.jpg
Goose eggs for myself and cousin but that's hunting.

Saw some cool lawn ornaments on the ride home while driving through the Root. 20200818_141427.jpg
Neat that these rams were about 200 yards south of what's left of the old Medicine tree. Always loved stopping by that place as a kid when traveling through to visit family.

Had a great trip, and like many of you am looking forward to this fall.
Kids did a great job. That's the best part of hunting when the youngsters bag one. Way more fun than getting one yourself.
Congratulations to both of them.
Congratulations to the two young gentlemen on their speed goats. Definitely a goal of mine as well at 37 and coming from the east in West Virginia.
What an amazing sight to see as well with those rams 🐏. I hope to get out there and see them in the wild as well someday.