Spearfishing Cozumel

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
My family went on a spear fishing trip in Cozumel. 20 to 60 feet of water. A lot harder to equalize than when I scubadive. 20 feet is my max. The others went deeper. Not Hedi, she just snrokeled. Not many fish but we had a blast.

Found out the house I'm staying at in Jamacia in January has snorkel and speargun. Going to give another try.

One other thing. Three different hotels, in Cancun,Playa del Carman and Cozumel and....



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cool, i really want to try that spear fishing gig one day. I see a TV show on once in a while and I always sit and watch it. Kind of like carp shooting in paradise
Looks like a great time! A friend spears for pike and has a blast... I have yet to take him up on going... I'll take a fly pole with a good "Bite Me" rainbow trout streamer - and attack the pike any day...

Your pic inspires me to give it a try...

Good time there! Grats... Did I get that right? going beyond 20' w/o scuba gear? As in skin diving that deep? Not I... I would have such a limited time down there to do anything worth a snot before heading up... hell - I would prob pass my bubbles! Did you guys chum the water? (Not blood chum - rather, frozen peas type chum?)
"Good time there! Grats... Did I get that right? going beyond 20' w/o scuba gear? As in skin diving that deep? Not I... I would have such a limited time down there to do anything worth a snot before heading up... hell - I would prob pass my bubbles! Did you guys chum the water? (Not blood chum - rather, frozen peas type chum?)"

Yes you heard right. Leo was our guide. He can hold his breath for over 4 minutes. I'm like you, 20 feet down and shoot and right back up. My spear stuck in the bottom once and I was about a foot from the top.( We were to let go if a big fish was pulling or the spear was stuck on the bottom.) Thankfully I gave it one last jerk and it came free. :)

No chum. You see a fish. Swim down, not right at the fish and don't make eye contact. Try pick up some sand from the bottom and drop it. A lot of times the fish comes to see what your doing. My kids could do it.

Like I said, I swim down 10 feet and stick out my long arm, 2 more feet and add the length of the spear,3 feet, and take my 3 or 4 ft shot and try to get my 57 year old lungs back up to the surface before I drown.:D Needless to say I didn't get any!

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