Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Sound Familiar Dads?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
So I decide to take the boys hunting after school for whitetails age 15 and 13. Both have shot deer and are learning, but neither are quite complete hunters yet. We have a large stand just big enough for the three of us over looking a foodplot, just perfect for the afternoon hunt. The deal was the younger gets to shoot first as the older is sure he can "mop up any misses".

I pick them up at school to save a few minutes (probably violating some law as I had a weapon on school grounds) and we speed off to the property. My estimate is we will have about an hour and a half of hunting before dark once arriving at the farm.

We are in the stand, temps are in the 40's, cloudy, perfect wind.

After about thirty minutes the first deer comes out and start grazing in the plot. It's a nice fat doe and perfect for the freezer. The youngest hasn't shot a deer this year so he is ready to go and is immediately breathing hard. About ten minutes later the deer feeds to about 150 yards and sort of hangs up and won't come closer. The younger one is now calmer and confident of the shot. He was at the range shooting 100 yds (off the bench) just a week earlier. The older starts talking smack and says the younger one can't kill the doe at that range. I stop the brewing fight and ask the younger one again if he is confident in the shot. He replies "absolutely" and steadies his aim.

The deer turns broadside and stands perfectly still...BOOM.

The doe looks up at us and continues to chew the clover. I calmly explain that his missed clean and to reload and take steady aim. She was still calm and not moving an inch....BOOM.

The deer looks up a second time and tries to figure out what is going on. At this point the older brother tells the younger to watch out becasue it is "his turn". As he puts the gun out the window the doe sees movement and runs off to 225 yards and stops. He takes a quick aim with his gun and BOOM. The deer stands there and is now very confused about what is going on. The older brother is frustrated as he "never misses" and quickly reloads and rushes his next shot...BOOM.

The doe has finally had enough and walks back into the woods unharmed.

I could not help but laugh at them both as they both sulked in silence. One deer, four shots, no meat, priceless. The best part was asking both to pick up all the brass before someone sprained an ankle:D
I don't think it matters how old you are. We all can relate. :)

Having an older brother myself I can relate to the sibling rivalry part fo sho!
Great story. One you can use on them for years to come. Sounds like it was a great time.
hehehe....good one!

Couple years ago my buddy shot at a buck at about 50 yards, moved off into the trees and I could see it could, he asked me to go ahead and dispatch it... I layed some lead its direction and it ran off... we tracked it for about 200 yards in fresh snow and never found a DROP of blood...

Everyone misses now and again!!!
My Brother-in-Law did that once. 1 Deer ... 3 Shots.... No hits. We now call him Whisler. Its Priceless to hear him try and tell his friends why we call him Whistler. It all in good fun and he's a great sport about it.
Brothers... :) We were staking out a waterhole for pigs at dusk, and I was supposed to take the first shot as I had only previously bagged a little 90 pounder while he had a couple big tuskers to his credit. Well , this big red pig with nice tusks comes in and my older brother shoves me aside and shoots the bastard, almost deafening me. His excuse was, "I don't have a red one."

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