Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Some will never learn...

Ok Zach both sides of the aisle, feel better now?

ut, I don't think any of us feel better with our choices. I do know that most of us, including myself, are selectively indignant. A fact the politicians and their respective carnival barker media lapdogs adroitly exploit.
Ok Zach both sides of the aisle, feel better now?

Do I feel better, not really. The transgressions of the high profile personalities(both in hunting and other genres) are disturbing. I look at it like an iceberg. You only see a small portion of it till you dive in the water. Most folks will stay on the boat though and make assumptions as to the size. Most of the time those folks are in the middle and what they see on the surface precludes them to make their judgement based on what little they see.

Poaching, to keep on topic here and not stray into the political realm, is a result of a bigger problem. Without addressing the larger issue, you can't fix the visible problem.
Speaking of disrespect for animals... did anyone see this maneuver? Chris didn't like how his pictures turned out so he let his buck sit out un-gutted over night so he could change his clothes, redo his makeup, and have better light.
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Speaking of disrespect for animals... did anyone see this maneuver? Chris didn't like how his pictures turned out so he let his buck sit out un-gutted over night so he could change his clothes, redo his makeup, and have better light.
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Would not surprise me after the other things that have come to light, but how do we know this? It could be gutted in that pose. Shoot, maybe it hung in a cooler all night and they drug it back out.
Thank you Randy Newberg for addressing this issue during today's podcast.

Please spread the word by contacting Outdoor TV and letting them know you are not happy with their decision to promote hosts like Chris Brackett (there are other shows like his on the channel)--only takes a few minutes. The Outdoor TV channel's Contact Us page is located here:
There's some humorous reading on the Bowsite. His finding Jesus post is so awesome. The POTUS should appoint him to a hunting committee.


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Watched those video links and... Ugh.

I can't stand "hunting" shows like that. What a douche wagon. The scary thing is, though, I understand this guy is fairly popular. The hunting world has no place for goon like him. He's a poser. Hope he's done. Shows like his are harmful to our way of life.
There's some humorous reading on the Bowsite. His finding Jesus post is so awesome. The POTUS should appoint him to a hunting committee.

What a load....Im glad that he now believes in ghosts but that doesn't mean anything. This is why I only watch two hunting shows, Big Fins, and Meateater.
Yep, I hope they nail his ass good! I live fairly close to him (work even closer) and though we haven't met, I can't STAND the jerk. Very few of my hunting friends speak very well of him. Seems like being on camera unleashed his inner ass-hat and REALLY let it shine through. I'll have to check the papers here to see if they picked up this story.

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