Some Leupold scope questions


Active member
Apr 8, 2020
I'm planning to buy a VX-5 with Firedot in the next month or so. Planning to go with the 3-15x. They have two, one with a 44mm ojective, one with a 56mm. I'm thinking the 44mm will be fine as I don't want to over bulk the rifle. What say you? Also, I seem to recall somewhere that you can custom order through Leupold. Is that the case? I ask because that scope set-up doesn't appear to be offered with the two reticles I'm most interested in; fine duplex, and fine German 4. I thought I read somewhere that you can special order through Leupold, but can't seem to find that info on their site.
If you Google "Leupold Custom Shop" you'll find where you could order a scope with your choices of options. I just looked at the site and it states "We are in the process of restructuring the Custom Shop in order to refine and improve our services. As a result, we are not accepting any new custom scope or retrofit orders at this time."
Two things.
Personally, if your not shooting 1,000 benchrest matches, i'd go with the 44 mm objective.

Second, if i were looking for a Leupold scope, i'd send Schmalts a PM!
Second, if i were looking for a Leupold scope, i'd send Schmalts a PM!

I think this is the route I'm going to go. Going to wait a little for this Corona crap to blow over some more. I've been looking at other brands of scopes as well. I prefer an illuminated dot reticle, capped windage turret, and exposed elevation turret. I'm looking at Steiner, Zeiss, and Swaro. To get those features on their scopes, I'm looking at anywhere from a couple several hundred bucks more. I have the VX-R 3-9x40 currently and it's been great, and I'm confident the VX-5 will be just as good if not better. I also agree on going with the smaller objective bell size. I don't need to make my rifle any bulkier or heavier than necessary. I also don't like reticles that are too busy or funky looking. My VX-R has a Wind-Plex and that's about as busy I'm willing to go. I want a standard plex reticle for my next scope, and the Swaro is the only one that comes close in this regard compared to other offerings I was looking at.
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I think this is the route I'm going to go. Going to wait a little for this Corona crap to blow over some more. I've been looking at other brands of scopes as well. I prefer an illuminated dot reticle, capped windage turret, and exposed elevation turret. I'm looking at Steiner, Zeiss, and Swaro. To get those features on their scopes, I'm looking at anywhere from a couple several hundred bucks more. I have the VX-R 3-9x40 currently and it's been great, and I'm confident the VX-5 will be just as good if not better. I also agree on going with the smaller objective bell size. I don't need to make my rifle any bulkier or heavier than necessary. I also don't like reticles that are too busy or funky looking. My VX-R has a Wind-Plex and that's about as busy I'm willing to go. I want a standard plex reticle for my next scope, and the Swaro is the only one that comes close in this regard compared to other offerings I was looking at.
For a hunting scope I think the VX-5HD 3-15x44 firedot is about as good a value as it gets given schmalts pricing. I have two and they are slick. FWIW I am not a fan of 50+mm objectives on hunting rifles.
I thought the VXR was the higher line????
I think VXR line replaces VX2 line. I have one VXR scope - perfect for the job I have for it, but not close to the VX5HD or VX6HD I have. With out a close comparison myVXR doesn't seem that far off my VX-3i.
I've gotten a couple vx5s from Schmalts. You wont be disappointed! I have the 56mm version but its probably not needed.
No to take this off track, but Scheel’s currently has the Burris Eliminator 3 on sale for $799. Retails for ~$1500. You can search the forums for opinions about them, but since you mentioned a preference for red dot / illuminated reticle, I thought I would mention it. Built in range finder and load specific ballistic holdover calculation make it a bit controversial. I’m seriously considering getting one for my new coyote/varmit rifle that @Mtnhuntr forced me to buy! :rolleyes:
No to take this off track, but Scheel’s currently has the Burris Eliminator 3 on sale for $799. Retails for ~$1500. You can search the forums for opinions about them, but since you mentioned a preference for red dot / illuminated reticle, I thought I would mention it. Built in range finder and load specific ballistic holdover calculation make it a bit controversial. I’m seriously considering getting one for my new coyote/varmit rifle that @Mtnhuntr forced me to buy! :rolleyes:

i’m thinking you may be referencing someone else but I will gladly take the fall for anyone purchasing hunting/shooting equipment. 😏
No to take this off track, but Scheel’s currently has the Burris Eliminator 3 on sale for $799. Retails for ~$1500. You can search the forums for opinions about them, but since you mentioned a preference for red dot / illuminated reticle, I thought I would mention it. Built in range finder and load specific ballistic holdover calculation make it a bit controversial. I’m seriously considering getting one for my new coyote/varmit rifle that @Mtnhuntr forced me to buy! :rolleyes:

That thing is badass. Maybe one day, but for now, I like to do it the old school way of using dope/drop charts. I'd really like to hone my skills using the old fashioned way before I go with something like this. That and at nearly two pounds, it will make my set up way too heavy. My rifle is right around 9lb right now, so I don't want it getting heavier than this. Mabye later on if I get a "featherweight" type rifle.
Apologies, it was @Mthuntr that put me on to the Browning sale at Cabela’s, not @Mtnhuntr.

@Mako, I agree about the weight. Even on an ultralite rifle, it would sort of defeat the purpose of getting an ultralite rifle. That’s why I’m only considering it for varmint hunting. I’m usually hiking shorter distances, in less severe terrain and with lighter pack when I do that. So a little extra gun weight is not such a big deal. And being able to range and shoot quickly at varying distances is a little more beneficially for varmints.

I’m still on the fence between that and another Tract Toric which has far better glass and optics, but no fancy gizmos. I really like the Toric on my Tikka 300WSM that is my go to big game setup.
I've gotten a couple vx5s from Schmalts. You wont be disappointed! I have the 56mm version but its probably not needed.
I have a mark v weathermark that i topped off with a vx5 3-15x56 firedot. I absolutely love the setup but the 56 picks the scope up way too high. My only regret. I actually ordered a pad to go over the monte carlo stock to bring my eye level up and still have good cheek weld. I would rather have the 44. I picked mine up off gunbroker for right around 900 new in box.


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Responding to mine own post. Call Jon (one of the owners at Tract) to see if they had any discounts. He said they were about to put a bunch of scopes in their demo scopes in their “Outlet” at 25-30% off. He offered to sell me a Toric 3-15x50 for $550 ($794 retail). I jumped on it. The Outlet section of their warehouse now has a bunch of scopes on it. Toric is their top end and they have both 1” and 33mm models. Tekoa is their mid-range scope and what I currently have on my Tikka and really like. Anyhow, it’s a small company and everything is sold direct to consumer by them. Both owners (both named Jon) are avid hunters and outdoorsmen. And if you call or email, it’s usually one of them who responds. Great guys and a great company.
There's an optics sponsor here. Links to others is bad form. mtmuley

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