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Solo Hunters: Keeping Entertained at Camp Solo Hunting?

I would think if a guy needs entertainment while hunting that he needs to find another hobby.
Hunting and nature ARE the entertainment!
Besides, if I have enough energy left after arriving back at camp, I ain't hunting hard enough! 😁
I'm usually wiped out when I get to camp but my mind is going 100 miles per hour. Reading a book gives it an exit and slows it down. I haven't tried books on tape or Audible though.

What I really like for the midday time is to perch on a high spot with a good windbreak and sun/shade mix and intermittently nap and read. I feel like I'm plugged into nature and I always seem to be more stealthy after that.
I always switch my focus to fishing, and in the evening, a good book. I do hunt alone these days, as my hunting partners have passed away. Naps midday with no interruptions flat out rock!
Not having to justify naps to someone really is amazing. Being able to lay down, sleep and wake-up on your own schedule feel great.
For me its downloading podcasts and listening to football games or sports talk on Satellite radio playing from my truck.
I've never done a solo hunt before, but done a ton of solo van trips and they key is books (audio or otherwise), and if you have a tablet, download some movies or netflix shows. Then I use the latter as a last resort when I am feeling super "alone"
If September, days are so long that I just go to bed. If November, December, January, I usually try to set up my day so I’m walking aways in the dark in the morning and the night, which helps extend the day. Will bring a book download the podcast, etc. for the long night in the tent
I'm with Gomer. Hunt till dark, then cut wood, filter water, etc. I'd rather have two hours of camp chores to do in the dark before I even get to eat food. And then I can usually burn another couple hours just watching a fire burn. And I usually expect to be hiking two hours before daylight if I have a glassing spot to reach...

But I can always bring a kindle with half a dozen books on it, just in case.
I would think if a guy needs entertainment while hunting that he needs to find another hobby.
Hunting and nature ARE the entertainment!
Besides, if I have enough energy left after arriving back at camp, I ain't hunting hard enough! 😁

You can think all you want it’s still a horse 💩 opinion.
Guess I’ve been glad to be blessed with good night vision.

It’s entertaining for me to sit and try to follow the nocturnal stuff as well.
I would think if a guy needs entertainment while hunting that he needs to find another hobby.
Hunting and nature ARE the entertainment!
Besides, if I have enough energy left after arriving back at camp, I ain't hunting hard enough! 😁
You ever hunted solo in November when its below freezing? dark at 4:30? there is no hunting or nature for lots of dark boring hours every single night. Completely understandable to look for options

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