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Social Media and Product Placement


New member
Oct 7, 2015
Denver, CO
Hey all,

I was just curious how much, if any, stock the majority of hunters place into social media and product placement. Over the last 5 years Facebook and Instagram have developed many new hunting personalities and existing personalities have also taken to these platforms. For the most part the content isn't educational and its just a small form of entertainment.

To me, it seems like all of these people are pumping products though and it is just a lot of noise. There is so much advertising that it loses its effect and there is no way I know if these people like or even use the products. For example, a friend of mine and I were discussing some of the new protein and workout supplement companies. He said "so and so posted a photo with the stuff...they are legit." I had to reply, that no, that photo itself makes him less legit because it was obviously an advertisement. I don't have a clue if that product is any good or if that person is even using it." I never heard of people talking negatively or even not having an opinion about their gear, its like they are afraid too. Its just a lot of noise to buy this or that and I see it as annoying.

I understanding that advertising is part of the media business, but when does it lose its effect. I see don't much credit in any of it at this point.

As a hunter/consumer I personally see through the BS, when it is BS, but when it is placed by someone I respect, I pay attention. The bottom line for me it is that regardless of the platform the product is placed on, the credibility of the person representing it is the biggest factor. If it is some blowhard/extreme/tactical amateur,trying to become internet famous, it is white noise.

That being said, as a small business owner, social media is incredibly powerful, and is clearly the way of the future.
That's one of the many reasons I don't do social media. This and one other forum are the extent of my social media.
Creditability is tricky. I don't know these people. The example I used involved one of the very most creditable in the industry. The more "creditability" they have, the more they will be paid or tossed free stuff / opportunities.
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I can remember one product that I bought becuase I saw it on TV or social media. It was like 20 years ago and it was The Flying Lure. I was 7 and just had to have it. Since then I don't pay much attention to a celebrity endorsing something. I have to put my hands on it, see reviews about. If I have a friend that has one I am a million more times likely to get it than some FB ad.
I believe social media is one of the more powerful methods of exposing your product to consumers these days. You can reach multitudes of individuals whether you are simply being helpful with tips, sharing your adventures, or even suggesting certain products. You will also likely be reaching your target audience as well since they either "follow" or "like" you or the person/company you have solicited to promote your product. Plus the investment can be minimal and it's not limited to a 30 second time slot.

An example that recently poped up here on Hunt Talk was when someone asked about a hunting show that I believe was sponsored by Under Armour (Ridge Reaper or something?). They wondered if it was still being produced and it appears that the financial gain or exposure was not there via TV so they cancelled. Now take a look at all the UA sponsored "huntletes" out there. I'm guessing they are certainly getting more bang for their buck.

To address the comments about who to believe, personalities, BS, etc and someone pushing product for financial gain only. Yes, I'm sure its out there. However, you have to sift through that and find those that are genuine in their promotion. Personally, I trial poducts and give my honest experience and opinion. I have turned down opportunities because I felt that the products wouldn't resonate with my readers so I didn't want to waste their time or expose them to products that weren't relevant or in their best interests. I have also had some bad experiences with some products I have tested. Rather than alienate that company by posting a poor review (since several have other products I found outstanding) I simply chose to abstain from posting a review and politely explained the issues to the company so that they may learn and improve their product. Some may argue that by not posting about poor performances that I may not be telling the whole story but, what you can expect from me is what I do write is truthful. This is me personally, but only you can determine who your trust or if the promotion is legit or soley financially driven.

Regarding the promotion of products, this again comes down to whether you believe the source is credible (and some are!). Actually the example about the workout supplement company at the beginning of this thread is one that hits home. I post of a certain company and do promote their products. Along with that I use them daily have personally benefited from their use. That's me though. I'd be happy to answer any questions regarding those products that I am familiar with because I have first hand experience with them and don't just get a paycheck every time I mention them. They do have some products that I have not yet used as well. I do not push those specific products because I have know history with them. I do have some at home that I intend to give a shot and see how they perform. If they perform as advertised or better then I'll be writing about them. Whether you believe me or even read what I have to say is your choice but if I've done my job well and have built a solid base of readers because the information I provide to them is factual and relevant then I should have some credibility.

Sorry that I'm going on about this but it hits home. Back to the whole social media and product is a fantastic way for some of the smaller companies to get their name out there. They may not be able to yet afford TV or magazine adds but they can certainly post on social media or allow someone to trial their product and post their findings. You never know it may be an amazing item that you would have not otherwise ever heard of.

Anyway, social media is here and it's powerful. It will be abused but it's also a valuable tool to many. You have to sort through the BS and find what is relevant, truthful, and useful to you.

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