So for those of you in training for your Elk hunt, all going according to plan?

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
Slowly in my case.
I really don't want to risk injuring myself, so i am building it up slowly.
My weight started to drop off, but i got stuck on 182lb, having lost 8lb over a few weeks.
But, with a little effort it has started to come off again and i am feeling fitter.
Just a short 3 mile run up and down hills once a week and a 9 mile hike, gradually increasing the weight in my pack, up to a max of 50lb, and i will increase the hike to 13 miles.
No weight training, just push up's every day and sit up's.
I appreciate everyone has their own regime, but that's mine, and it works for me.

By the way, i hope Genesis on here is getting better after his recent problem associated with his training.


No!! I'm working so much ot here lately i haven't been able to hike or anything. Hopefully it will slow down some. I've got to at least start hitting the treadmill but I'm so wore out after 12 hour shifts hard to get motivated.
Anything is better than nothing but it definitely seems to come in spurts for me. Pack weight work outs and some cardio have been great for me. You can't outwork the fork and that's such a critical part of it IMO. My hunting partner decided he was too heavy so he started eating a mostly paleo diet like myself and another buddy of ours. He's dropped from 275 to around 210 in 6 months or so. He's rocking it.
By the way, i hope Genesis on here is getting better after his recent problem associated with his training.



Keep at it Richard! It's amazing how much better you feel when the weight comes off and you can tell those once hard tasks become much easier.

As for me, I'm just taking it easy. It's about to drive me crazy knowing that I can't do anything other than walk a couple miles daily and watch my diet. This carotid artery discussion thing will take a month or two to heal as long as I do my part. Obviously, my upcoming hunt is now in jeopardy, but there's a chance that I will be good to go, and will find out the answer to that at the end of Aug, after my next CT scan. But, I know that my health is more important and I'm not going to take a chance, unless the doc gives me the green light. But like mentioned, I'm watching my diet better than before and have dropped a couple more pounds since this has happened, and am now at 156, and my goal was 155 (ideal weight for age/height) by Sept. So that makes me happy.

I'll also add, I believe the one thing that helped me most before the injury was hiking with the loaded pack. I had it loaded with 50% of my body weight. Other than blowing a gasket in my neck, it worked pretty good! :confused:
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I hope all goes well for you Genesis, I have been wondering about that as well, glad you posted an update. I have not been doing nearly enough. Some walking and running but no football stadium stairs yet and no pack yet. I have a lot of work to do to get my legs toughened up more. I could loose 10 pounds but that's not my biggest concern. Mostly leg endurance is where I concentrate my efforts as well as loading up the pack heavier each week. Too much fishing out of state the last month, like half of the month, so I need to get cracking, thanks for the reminder!
I used to try exercising to get in shape for my elk hunt but now all it does is make me tired so I quit. I am better off to just go and do what I can when I get there.
My elk routine is 365 days a year so nothing really changes for me. I crank up the cardio in the summer leading into sept but that is about it. Cardio always gets the weight dropping. Im right about 218lbs now, which is about where I try to be for elk hunting weight. I might end up below that this year. Ran 2.6 miles in 16:05 this week. Still lift 5 days a week. Been babying a bum shoulder for the past month now but doesnt seem to affect drawing my bow so thats good.

I do what a flat lander can.......
Been walking, jogging a little, biking, walking with weight, nursing the aches and pains of aging, shooting, praying and dreaming.
I'm down over 30 lbs since Jan 1. I would like to lose 5-10 more pounds before Sept. I'm 6'2 and I'm currently around 200 lbs.
Unfortunately, no. I'm still battling this plantar faciitis, but it is getting much better. Lots of stretching and icing and some anti-inflammatory medicine. I have been sleeping with a prescription night brace on and I now have custom insoles. It is all really helping but it starts to ache if I walk to much. I think I will be alright by season. The good thing is I just bought a weight bench about a month ago, so I can strengthen my legs with leg curls and do some strength training. Luckily, I always adjust quickly to altitude so that helps.
I've been dealing with a bad ankle for almost a year now. I haven't done any hiking yet but I'm on my feet all day now so I should be good. I'll start with some paintball next weekend and if it doesn't bother me after that I'll do some hiking
Slowly in my case.
I really don't want to risk injuring myself, so i am building it up slowly.



This is one of the joys that comes with age. I learned the hard way over and over where I would push myself into injury. Part of that 18 year old brain in an mature body.

I start every day with push ups, sit ups and squats. I walk about 4 miles daily at about a 13 minute pace, mix in a mile or two of jogging, mix in bike 8-14 miles some days and try to do a 8-10 mile hike once a week. I live by a lake and zig zag up and down the dam sometimes too.

I will also mix in gym time on various cardio machines and light weight work just to break up the routine. I normally work out at the gym all winter so once it warms I'm ready to stay outside while the weather permits.
Just finished an easy 5 mile run this evening to barely get my 100 miles in for the month of June. That made the 52nd consecutive month that I've run at least 100 miles that month. Staying in shape is easier than getting in shape. Didn't make my goal of running a 3:25 marathon last month, ended up running a 3:36:08.
Yup, blind is in place, camera got 350 pics in the last two weeks and charging the batteries in the golf cart to get to the blind.
I've ran approximately 80 miles in June. Prior to May 30th I hadn't gone on a single run in 2016. Did a 10K second weekend of June and have gotten hooked. Have a half marathon coming up next weekend in Missoula. I'm definitely addicted. That being said, I think hiking the hills is a way better workout than running. Will start elk scouting after half marathon weekend.
Dropping weight pretty well this summer with clean eating most of the time and major reduction in craft beer consumption. Mostly just running to build some stamina for now and will incorporate strength training soon.
Trying to avoid the sympathy weight that happens when the wife is pregnant.
Plan is actaully progressing well. Had a little hickup but I'm back to 90% so all should be good moving forward. I have a hunting partner that has really been pushing it and will be running laps around most people this fall. It's great to have a partner to push you along. Good luck this season to all!
I do bodyweight squats and built a 20" platform to do step ups onto. I feel they have really helped with overall conditioning.
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