Snakebite Protocol - Updated


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
Every five years the medical community reviews Red Cross protocols and updates them with the latest findings and scientific studies. I am a Red Cross CPR/AED/1st Aid instructor and we are going through these updates right now. I noticed the treatment of snake bites has changed. I thought I would update everyone I know who might find themselves in this position.

The recommended treatment is pressure immobilization bandaging. Below is a web address that describes the practice, provides illustrations, and has a quick movie:

In addition, I have provided a web address of a 2010 medical study which outlines the effectiveness of this protocol:

Two years ago after killing an antelope with my bow in late September I was walking back to my vehicle during the middle of the day. I had a rattler strike at me with no warning from the grass at the edge of a two-track. His body hit my leg, but he didn’t connect with his fangs. It can happen anytime out there and they don’t always warn you by rattling. In fact, I have had them “forget” to rattle on more than a few occasions. :mad: Be prepared! Have a first aid kit, that contains ALL of the supplies you need, with you at all times!!

Bring on the warm weather. It’s about time! Have a great day!
Gah...I hate snakes!

If anything will keep me from hunting pronghorn during bow season...snakes will. Three times they came into my blind, luckily no rattlers.

Thanks for the info. I hope I never have to use it though!!
Good info, except they have the first step wrong...step one should be kill the sucker that bit you and then remain calm.:rolleyes:
Good info, except they have the first step wrong...step one should be kill the sucker that bit you and then remain calm.:rolleyes:

I'd feel that way too, though I've heard of dudes being bit a second time while trying to take their revenge. :eek:
No snake encounters on the property this year(or garage),but numerous encounters in the Elkhorns behind the house.I ran into some dandies coming out of the mts. during bow season, but saw the most in November.It was crazy.I had a small rattler coiled 3' behind me on opening day of rifle season at 5 p.m.,.Mid november I filled my cow B tag and waited for a neighbor to show up with his horses(he offered and I finally DIDNT pack one out in pieces).anyhow I glassed these guys crossing the crp from up on the mountain and watched them stop to shoot 4 rattlers.Then the next week-end, November 21 st,the same guys were packing out another elk and shot 12 rattlers(snake fry, I guess).Thanks for the info. on proper procedure,I stepped on one a few years back in the deep grass in front of the house, and my wife nearly got tagged by one coiled up in the garage.Good to know what to do.
Ole' and Sven were out hunting antelope together. Sven had to answer natures call and walked into a dry wash. Suddenly Ole' heard a piercing scream.

He ran over to find Sven slapping his right cheek, pants still around his ankles and a praraie rattler slithering away through the dust.
"Ole'! He bit me on the cheek!" screamed Sven. " I can't walk the two miles back to the truck. You've got to hurry back to town and get the doctor."

Just as quickly as he could Ole' hiked back to the truck and drove 40 miles to the doctor's office only to find the doctor was gone.
" He's over helping Mrs. Smith deliver her twins," explained the receptionist. At Ole's pleading she agreed to call him and handed Ole' the phone.

"Doc! Ve got a problem!" huffed Ole. "Sven is snakebit and I don' know what to do!"

"I'm sorry, but Mrs Smith is in hard labor," said the doctor. "There's no way I can come now. What you'll have to do is cut an X over the bite and suck the poison out. If its not done within two hours Sven could die!"
Ole rushed back to where Sven was lying in agony on the ground. An hour and forty-five minutes had passed. The closest hospital was two hours away.
"Vat did the doc say?" Moaned Sven. His butt cheek was already starting to swell.

Ole looked a Sven laying on the ground and swallowed hard. He squeezed his eyes shut and blinked away a tear. The words came hard for him. "Sven, the doctor.... the doctor..., he say you're going to die."
Great Info Buschy !!

Those slithery little bast-ages greased by shorts a few times in South Dakota where we bow hunt....;)

Thanks for posting !!
Damit Buschy...with all this cold weather I had totally forgot about those frinkin things! Thanks for the reminder YOUR A GEM! As for being two miles from a vehicle, well stay calm take one of those pressure immobilization bandages and wrap it tightly around your neck! Now that you brought back those wonderful memories I was wondering if Dink will be putting on a "Road Hunting" seminar. It is a skilled hunter that can slide out of the vehicle chamber a shell in one smooooth motion!
Thanks Buschy. They are part of my 3 things I hate in this world. 1. Bears 2. Snakes 3. Wind. All three are a pain in the butt and I have very little us for them.
No shortage of rattlers in my neck of the woods. Both these guys were at 6000+ feet.


I hate those dang things. A good reminder for all of us. Hate to meet one face to face putting the sneak on a lope or ol' muley buck.
Now that you brought back those wonderful memories I was wondering if Dink will be putting on a "Road Hunting" seminar. It is a skilled hunter that can slide out of the vehicle chamber a shell in one smooooth motion!

The shadow in this picture was provided by..................the pickup. You're welcome for todays roadhunting safety tip.

Damn, someone is moderating my posts. I will try this one for a third time.

Here is a pic of a snake Bugler wanted to adopt as a pet on our NM antelope hunt last fall. The guy treats rattle snakes like my wife treats her dog. The guy ain't right. He thinks they are fun to play with.

I keep a stray eye on any guy wanting to play with rattle snakes.


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