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Skull capping


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
I carry an ancient Wyoming saw, the smaller model. I'm looking for something lighter and better. I ditched it on one hunt to lighten my pack and ended up packing out a bull skull. Stepping over dollars to pick up dimes.

Any suggestions?

BTW I did try the search function.
I have always liked the gerber hand saw, and I have heard good things about the outdoor edge hunting griz saw.
I'm curious what others use too. I've used a folding Gerber saw for a long time, the kind with a separate bone and wood blade. It's super lightweight, main reason I still carry it. Great for legs, not great for skulls larger than deer. I tried it once on a moose skull - I was hating life for about 2 hours. I have the mid-size WY saw model, I much prefer my Gerber over it.
I don’t have any personal experience with one but some trusted folks I know like a dandy saw for skull caps
I use a gerber hand saw with the the switchable blades. One for wood and one for bone. Super light and handy.
If you are backpacking and want to save weight I have a solution.

This stuff works very well, used it in Alaska for caribou.

If you are backpacking and want to save weight I have a solution.

This stuff works very well, used it in Alaska for caribou.

I was wondering about this does it work in application? Like do you string it on a handle?
There are a couple of saw handles available that clamp down on the wire. The wire will break from time to time. You just spool off more and keep going.

Best way to do it is sit down with the head in front of you, or stand over it. Brace the antlers with your feet and saw back and forth.
I've seen the d-handles that go on there, I was wondering if there was a more traditional hack-style handle that worked with the wire but I'm not seeing one. I'm just thinking it'd be tricky to brace the skull right when solo, but I'm sure doable.
Still using my small Wyoming saw. I would like to save weight but haven’t found the right option yet. A slightly longer one would be nice for capping, but it does it on elk. Maybe not moose, not sure.
I carry an ancient Wyoming saw, the smaller model. I'm looking for something lighter and better. I ditched it on one hunt to lighten my pack and ended up packing out a bull skull. Stepping over dollars to pick up dimes.

Any suggestions?

BTW I did try the search function.

Remember to replace the blade periodically. That makes a big difference if it’s been used a bunch
This reminds me - I need to clean off my Sawzall that is on the side of the house.

My first trip is usually a light pack out of the head, cape, and gear and I have my sawzall in the truck for this exact purpose.
Caribou Gear

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