Yeti GOBOX Collection

Since we're talking politics

Because the President wields so much power, When it comes to that vote it comes down to how I think they would act/decide in situations involving existential risk.

In terms of Montana/local elections, barring they aren't endorsed by the likes of the Tea Party(Which necessarily means common sense is excluded), Their views on public lands/hunting/fishing probably top my list.
Someone who will work with people to achieve the best possible solutions for the problems we face.
Did you watch the Idaho governors debate?

Only started, through the introductions, then my daughter asked to practice batting. I saw it earlier in the day, but work is strict on streaming while on the network. Maybe I'll have time this eekend to finish it, but my waterpump needs replacing, 1 daughter has a sleepover at a friends house, another daughter is going to a youth conference and there is also an open house at a horse rescue the whole family wants to go to(been looking at 3rd horse).
Being able to retire in 43 days and knowing you young ones will keep paying into SS. My daughters and grandkids are the ones I worry about. Hope our system can get it together for them, you and yours.

If this is wrong let me have it. At any rate it is scary. Luckily we have done well with our finances.
Used to vote fairly conservative, but now I'm firmly in this category.

.......Their views on public lands/hunting/fishing probably top my list.

I can tolerate most anything as long as I have access to public lands to hunt and fish. Without those things....I'd go postal in short order!

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