NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Simple Things In Life

"Daddy, you're my best buddy"
"Daddy, can I come with you"

My children giggling and laughing.

the sunrise and sunset
Horse tied to horse trailer, saddle cinch in play and the quick sight of my daughter remove a plastic bag from her pocket... I am slammed into the corral fence, bounce onto the ground like a rag doll. Cover my head with the slow motion forever process thinking, "here I go again" figuring I would be stomped.

Seconds later, sit up, look around and think to myself, "Life is good".

Life is damn good! :)
Waking up to the smell of Bacon, eggs, and coffee before heading out early on a trip outdoors.

Watching my Britt work a rooster and his joy at bringing it back to me.

Netting my friends biggest trout ever.

An old well worn pickup that always starts and never dies far from home.
Four dozen Canada Geese gliding into the decoys. A icy cold beer after the last load of hay for the day.
The knowledge that no matter the mistakes I make or actions I fail to take, I am forever saved by a loving, forgiving God.
A couple of days fishing a back country mountain lake. The silence. the fire, the solitude, and inner peace.
I really enjoy watching the sun go down after a long day of glassing and knowing that I going back to camp to enjoy a cold beer.

This particular picture was taken in southern AZ while on a Coues deer hunt.


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