
You don't know a true 'shower' until it's 130 degrees out and you're on patrol for 6 days and wiping the boys with a baby wipe and start taking incoming mortar fire with your pants around your knees :D

I hear ya, John. There is nothing like an Iraqi summer. You have to live it to believe it. Baby wipes work real well in a hunt situation, too. It really cuts down on the amount of water needed in camp.

I am past the need to camp out anymore. I stay with family in town and have a nice warm bed (and shower) every night. It sure helps the attitude.
holy cow, I think it has been awhile since I have laughed out loud 3 times on 1 thread. Thanks for the, uh, desriptions Tarheel, Cushman, and esracerx!!

For the record, we are bringing my 5th wheel camper out this year. Feel free to think of that when you are standing in the snow with your baby wipes!

Although I do wholeheartedly agree on the baby wipes by the way. One of the best inventions ever. Which reminds me...

Dad and I were going elk hunting in WY. On the long drive out, I got bored and noticed a bag of the these dry wipes that all you had to do was add water and they were a wet wipe. All of a sudden, a thought popped into my noggin. They looked like mints. Exactly like mints. So, I did what any good son would do to his father. I faked eating one and offered one to dear old dad. He popped one into his mouth and instantly, it sucked all the moisture out and expanded to fill his whole mouth! By now, I am having difficulties keeping the truck on the road cuz I am laughing so hard at him trying to spit it out with a mouth devoid of moisture. he drank everything in sight trying to re-salivate his mouth. For the next 100 miles, I couldnt stop from laughing. :hump:

Sorry for the hijack, but I couldnt help but relive that one. I am sitting here smiling just at the memory!
We hunt a lot in the early season and the thing that finally made a difference was having a shower everyday. We do end up bringing about 100 gallons of water up and limit the time spent using the water.
We have tried various things, but the set up we have now works the best by far. I bought a 12V on demand water pump and one of the hot water on demand water heaters. We also have one of the Cabela's shower tents. All in all it provides a wonderful shower at the end of a day of hunting and sweating. We also have to bring propane up with but usually 1 20# tank will last more thana week.

Your trailer looks really nice.
We hunt a lot in the early season and the thing that finally made a difference was having a shower everyday. We do end up bringing about 100 gallons of water up and limit the time spent using the water.
We have tried various things, but the set up we have now works the best by far. I bought a 12V on demand water pump and one of the hot water on demand water heaters. We also have one of the Cabela's shower tents. All in all it provides a wonderful shower at the end of a day of hunting and sweating. We also have to bring propane up with but usually 1 20# tank will last more thana week.

Your trailer looks really nice.

Sounds like we got the same set up. A hot shower feels wonderful. Even if the water is only on for 20 seconds. I usually take mine mid day when the sun is out. Ain't nothing better. Hauling water does kind of suck, but there is a gas station/bar/garage 5 miles from where we enter the national forest.
I use sunny shower deal and bottled water if I'm away from my spot on the river.
I still use Dr.Bronners soap.
I'm lucky I usually hunt within an hour or so of home now,and a quick trip home for refresh if needed..
I have a Zodi portable hot water shower and a cabana shelter. The Zodi runs on a 1 pound propane bottle and 4 D batteries. It works pretty well and it is light to pack and store and takes up very little space.

That's what I am using. I bought the two bottle version first but it wanted to get too hot on me so I returned it and switched to the single and it's more manageable.
Wow. All this talk of ingenious shower solutions is really making me rethink my dirt baths. Why bother throwing dirt on yourself out in the woods when you can haul a barrel full of dirt and have it right at camp? Thx for the idea, esracerx. ��
I won't take credit as I pretty much copied this guy's idea.

I bought the pump from Amazon. ($25) I did build on his idea though. I made a 12V harness with alligator clips on one end and cig lighter receptacle on the other. I also have my ice fishing depth finder battery. (7 Amp Hour). I will pack the items (including flip flops) in a small rectangular tote. The tote will be my water reservoir also. My plan is to use a pot and single burner propane stove to heat water next to stream. No need to pack water.

I built pump harness to wire from cig lighter in truck also, if desired.

I did pick up tubing and sprayer from big box home and farm place. Total investment ~ $45.
I made a shower 20 years ago that still works great. We have a high BTU burner for camp. Use a big soup pot with an old top from a 30 gallon drum on top. Mounted a yacht pump on the lid. Short hose goes down into the water and long hose has a hand held shower head that can be turned off by twisting the nozzle. Same as an RV shower wand. Use a small car battery and just turn a toggle switch on and use the hand wand to turn water on and off. Good pressure and as hot a shower as you want.
When we were building our house, we lived in a primitive state for the 8 months it took to get occupancy.
I went to the trouble to rig up a means to pump warm water into a shower tent/hut that I could run a pump off a generator. After a few uses, we figured out we just liked to heat up a large pail of water, mix it with some cold water into two buckets, and take "bucket baths". One pail for soaping up, and one pail for a rinse job. It was fast and less hassle than the big production of rigging a shower nozzle and pumps, etc..

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