Shoulder Roast Questions


Sep 15, 2016
Pocatello, ID
I got my first elk and want to try one or more of these delicious sounding elk shoulder roast recipes I've seen. Probably a dumb question but I am confused how to take a single elk shoulder and make it into multiple bone in roasts. Do I just take a bone saw and cut it into reasonable portions? Does anyone have any resources on this? I've search but can only find recipes that assume you already have like a 4-6 lb bone in shoulder roast.
Cutting it bone in - I will make the first cut down to the bone with my knife. Then you can use the bone saw (or hacksaw if you need to) to just cut through the bone. Once you feel the saw go back to meat - then go back to the knife and finish the cut.
Thanks I'm sure I'm over complicating it. Are there obvious spots where it should be cut at or is it just based on size of roast preference?
You can get three good sized bone in roasts from a good sized shoulder, two from a cow. Separate the blade via the socket to disconnect from the rest of the shoulder.
Use use knife and cut your first roast about half away from top of the blade. After the cut use a saw to go the rest of the way through. The other half can be cut the same way in half. Make sure you scrap the bone dust off the meat.