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Short term Rentals in Bozeman

Rob Allen

Mar 30, 2016
Vancouver WA soon to be Bozeman MT
I know there are a few people here from the area so maybe someone has an idea..

I am supposed to be starting a new job in Bozeman in early May but I am having trouble finding a place to live. I am looking to rent a place for a couple months until we can buy a place. It's just me ,my wife and an amazing very old yellow lab. It's a long shot but I am throwing it out there anyway.. thanks for looking
A lot of college kids leave town in early May and things start opening up for the summer months. I would check craigslist for kids listing their homes or apartments for a summer rental. They have year long leases but are gone for the summer. Worth checking out.
You can try a "housing wanted" ad on Craigslist but as you figured out, it's going to be tough. I put a "dogs ok" rental on the market and had 8 calls in 20 minutes and people bidding up the price, and that was before the market got really crazy. It's not going to get much better when school gets out. Even places without pets will have multiple people looking at them.

Consider Livingston, Manhattan, etc.
i have been looking from three forks to Bozeman.. even thinking about buying a cheap travel trailer and staying at a monthly campground just hate the idea of leaving the dog in the trailer all day..

been checking craigslist constantly for a week...
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I think you'd be very happy camped on the banks of the lower Madison for the next two months ;). A lot of businesses have dogs laying around, maybe you can take it into work. Wish I had more encouraging news.
I sell real estate here and I know my Broker I work for has some rentals she manages. I'll ask here if she has any openings on her units. Is 1 bedroom ok? How many months would you guess you need it for?
I sell real estate here and I know my Broker I work for has some rentals she manages. I'll ask here if she has any openings on her units. Is 1 bedroom ok? How many months would you guess you need it for?

One bedroom would be fine. I realize I am asking for a lot but the budget is very tight without digging into the savings we have for a down payment. So we need to come in 750 or lower.. Preferably no more than 3 months. Just long enough for find a house buy it and get it closed.
crazy,but I know people have a tough time finding a rental in Three Forks for $750.
Welcome to the Gallatin Valley.
Be braced for hungry realtors showing you over-priced (but apparentlycompetitive) properties.:hump:
Try searching Vacation Rental By Owner. Lots of places listed there that'll rent by the week or month. It may not be the cheapest option but there'll be no 6-12 month lease involved. My wife and I found a place on VRBO last year for a few months when we moved to MT.
My roommate will be moving out the end of April and I will be out the end of May. Rent is $900 per month and another $25 if you want the washer and dryer(that was a new thing last year). Power is about $40-$60 per month in the summer probably. Landlord pays water and sewer but not garbage. Single car garage that is not a power door. Its a condo on the 2nd floor. Quiet neighbors. The ones below me are only there on the weekends to ski and sometimes in the summer on weekends. They had the place for their son in college, and then he moved away after he graduated and got his professor pregnant.(yep. the head of the dept. he graduated in). When I first moved in, I think 4 years ago, rent was $775. It has increased $25 per year except one year it increased $50. The management company that I go through, Management Associates, currently does not allow pets in it. Not saying they might not be convinced to allow a dog for a few months if you wanted to call them and find out. It would probably be a little more per month plus a pet deposit. If you were interested, you could take over my lease, and then in a few months find someone to take over the lease from you. If its going to be August or Sept. you shouldn't have much trouble. Just put an ad on Craigslist. The management company doesn't like to do month to month leases and I can't remember what they charge to break the lease($100?) if you don't find someone to take it over.

If you are looking for that budget you mentioned, you might have a tough time, especially with a dog. I know you mentioned that you didn't want to tap into your savings you have set aside for the down payment. Are you looking for that $750 to be your monthly payment on a house that you buy? Because you aren't going to find a house for that cheap unless you have a sizable down payment. People in Bozeman know that they can get a lot for their houses, both renting and selling. Its a tough market right now if you're not an engineer or architect-type salary. I know a person in Logan and one in Three Forks that rent trailers for the rent you are looking for. Bozeman is a great place to live, but its not a cheap place to find a place.
Rob - I sent you a PM. For others reading this, I wouldn't mention "short term lease" to a prospective landlord in this market because there will be people lined up that will do a year lease. Rather ask for a copy of the lease; there may be a buyout clause that you can exercise if you find a place to buy.

I'm sure there are a lot of people here that will vouch for the integrity of Lawnboy if you are looking for a real estate agent. I'd at least have him show you around.
That's probably a good plan if you know you are buying. I don't think you will learn anything in a month that you can't learn in a weekend.
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