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Short Rant to Make Me Feel Better


New member
May 23, 2016
Hardin, MT
So last night I was in my deerstand at a fishing access site/wma and right at prime time four or 5 different people decided to drive through. One guy was spinning his wheels and revving his engine as he drove down the gravel road. The doe that was casually feeding down the tree line and would have presented a chip shot if she continued spooked, so I didn't get a shot. One of the cars stopped in what is a pinch point and rolled down the windows and turned up the stereo.

I get that it is public land, and don't begrudge anyone access, but I personally am going to be way more aware of whether or not I might be screwing up someones hunt when I go joy riding in the evenings.

Oh well, the season is long, and I'm sure I will fill that B tag before the end of archery season. Not surprisingly, I don't really feel andy better either.
Yeah that is quite frustrating, sorry the hunt didn't turn out as planned. Have you had similar issues before in the same area?
Since this is my first year in this area it is my first experience with it. In the past I have had other hunters walk up on me while I was on stand, and we would just wave and then give each other space. If I would come up to an area where someone was going in ahead of me, I would ask which direction they were going so I wouldn't mess up their hunt. I'm pretty sure these are just kids joy riding and really never gave it a thought. I really don't think anyone is trying to mess up my hunt.
I found and confronted a kid that had been racing up & down a FS road all night into the next day to scare the game and hassle the hunters from out of the area and trying to sleep. GW was writing him up for interfering with hunters and I told him I would testify too.His dad walked up wondering what the hell,then turned to his kid and said "I hope you learn a lesson" and took his truck away from him. Said his hunt just ended before it began and would lock his gun up.
More than likely they never even knew you were around. I agree it sucks, but public places are for all of us, even them. Better luck next time.