Shipping sheds

Sent a small set of 5s to my dad a few years back through ups. Cost 75 bux, I would pack em myself and take to post office, maybe cheaper
ive heard of using fired shotgun shells and putting them over the tips of the antlers and taping them on. ship them like that so they dont puncture the box.
You could also put pipe insulation around the antlers atached with tape Not sure if usps will ship that large. You may have to go with ups.
Sold a pile on ebay this year! Go to the USPS web sight and check out shipping rates I sent all mine for under 30 bucks, parcel post but you will be needing to make your own box. The box can only be so many inch's big. antler weight is not an issue, I think you can ship up to 70 lbs
This is also the cheapest way to send antlers