Shipping A Rifle?


Active member
Jan 2, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
Just scanned through the UPS, FedEx, and USPS regs on shipping a rifle.

Which is the easiest to use? I'm shipping it to gunsmith, can I just send it in a case or do I have to put the case in a box?
I have a cheap hard case that I put inside a doubled walled cardboard box. It's been shipped and shipped back several times and worked great...and I like that there is two forms of protection.

I have used UPS and USPS. For a long gun through USPS as long as it is shipped discretely in an unmarked box you should be fine, but you may want a copy of the FFL.

My local UPS has asked me for the FFL so they could have it on file.

Both were easy though and I haven't had a problem with either (yet).
Ditto on putting it in a box, your case will get creamed otherwise. I usually go to my local dealer and get a couple unwanted rifle boxes and use both of them to pack the rifle securely in really well rather than using a hard plastic cas.. Have had good luck with Fed-Ex ground also.
Ditto on getting a copy of FFL. Opps has worked for me but I'm sure fed x would be fine. box with case, absolutly!! Only done it once but I believe CYA is the operatetive word!
Like stated above on the packing. However, I'm not sure a copy of the FFL is needed for shipping for repair or custom work. I know the one time I shipped out a rifle for work it wasn't needed nor was it suggested by Savage Arms when I contacted them last week about getting some repair work done.
if you choose UPS it will have to go out from a Hub as the UPS stores will not do firearms of any sort and most will balk at "gun parts" - You may very well be asked for an FFL copy when you ship but UPS won't keep it, not sure what that is all about - I've shipped 12+ in the past 16 months out of the Eugene OR hub with no trouble and the post office works well too but I would insure it for full value if you to USPS - FedEx is sort of a crap shoot since they are private franchises and I've had good AND bad with them
gKim is right about UPS hub, just make it discreet boxed and no markings that would make anyone think its a gun and it will be fine. Don't use USPS unless your have to(shipping to person) because they are not worth the troubles, there is a reason they should be out of business. I got a busted trigger housing on a shotgun to prove it from them.

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