Shingles twice?? Lucky me.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Anyone else here get it more than once? I had it 4 or 5 years ago. Did not get the vax after because they said chances go way down after having it once. Started having pain in my rib cage a week ago and 3 days later I felt like i had 3 broken ribs and could hardly breath in. Kind of freaking out as I did not injure myself. Went to urgent care and doc said he has seen it many times and said it is probably shingles without a rash. Anyone else ever have this pleasure? I am sure getting the vax now....
Ouch!! I got shingles in December but I’m young 28 so many many more years till I can get the vax. Think that was the nose work I ever missed and had to post pone not pheasant hunting trip a couple weeks
I had it in college, and I think just had it again, very mild case compared to first time but nearly identical. I didn't go to the doctor though so maybe it was something else, but pretty sure it was shingles.
I got it when I was 18, very strange maybe the stress of getting ready to move to college? Not sure but it really sucked. Wish I could get vaxxed I'd go in a heartbeat but gotta wait for quite awhile yet
I simply didn't know what shingles was and got it in 2003. I thought I had pulled a lat muscle after building a deck for my elderly cabin neighbor. Horrible spasms. The pain got so bad that I had my doctor give me trigger point cortisone injections into the muscle. Huge mistake. The virus went wild and my entire left trunk flared with blisters. I still didn't know and thought it was just a reaction to the cortisone and when I went back to the doctor and lifted my shirt, he told me I had the worst case of shingles he'd ever seen. I ended up with Post Herpetic Neuralgia.

I've broken countless bones, had two back surgeries, rotator cuff and all of them combined is a walk in the spring rain compared to this horrible ccondition .
Once was enough for me. I got the single shot vaccine after that. A couple years later I received the double vaccine. That was the only time I have ever had a reaction to a vaccine. The second of the two-shot series put me down for 24 hours.
...with my luck I'll get CP again and the shingles...
My poor mom. We all had it ,all 6 kids at once, with my brother getting a scarlet fever bonus.
Debating the vax now that it was offered free at the clinic.
Hope it clears for you soon. I've not had though knew a fellow co-worker who had it. He is a tough but and said it was rough!
Hope it clears quickly this time for you. Had a couple coworkers get shingles in the last couple years, they said it was miserable. I never go to the doctor, but plan on going next year for a shingles vaccine once I hit 50.
Anyone else here get it more than once? I had it 4 or 5 years ago. Did not get the vax after because they said chances go way down after having it once. Started having pain in my rib cage a week ago and 3 days later I felt like i had 3 broken ribs and could hardly breath in. Kind of freaking out as I did not injure myself. Went to urgent care and doc said he has seen it many times and said it is probably shingles without a rash. Anyone else ever have this pleasure? I am sure getting the vax now....

Sorry @schmalts, I hear shingles is pretty uncomfortable!
Had it 10 or so years ago, absolutely awful. Mostly on my forehead and scalp. I’d just moved for work and was told it was most likely brought on by stress, which i credit to my new supervisor. He didn’t seem to understand…
Had it 10 or so years ago, absolutely awful. Mostly on my forehead and scalp. I’d just moved for work and was told it was most likely brought on by stress, which i credit to my new supervisor. He didn’t seem to understand…
Dangerous aree to have it...
I had Shingles when I was in my 20s. Now my doc keeps saying I need to get vaccinated but when I ask him if you can get it after you have already had it, he says he doesn't really know. So, I haven't gotten vaccinated, just because it is a little bit of a hassle. Now that I know you can get it again, maybe a little bit of a hassle is worth it.

Because Shingles really sucks.
Anyone else here get it more than once? I had it 4 or 5 years ago. Did not get the vax after because they said chances go way down after having it once. Started having pain in my rib cage a week ago and 3 days later I felt like i had 3 broken ribs and could hardly breath in. Kind of freaking out as I did not injure myself. Went to urgent care and doc said he has seen it many times and said it is probably shingles without a rash. Anyone else ever have this pleasure? I am sure getting the vax now....
Schmalts, look up "Pleurisy", in 2019 pre- Covid, one afternoon I experienced sharp pains in my left side. It all started around late afternoon and by 3 am my wife was taking me to ER. We thought for sure I was having a heart attack. The ER docs ran all kinds of tests and could not figure out what was going on, they called in the cardiac team and ran a bunch more tests on my heart and they all came back normal. My blood pressure was normal, everything checked out normal. Every time I took a breath I felt a stabbing pain on my left side near my heart. The admitted me into the ICU and 3 days of testing and observation with no conclusion. Finally on my 3rd day they had a "traveling" Doc come in to see me and he suggested I might have "pleurisy". In a nutshell, Pleurisy is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the lungs and line the chest cavity. The result is a sharp pain while breathing. In my case they finally gave me a steroid that attacked the inflammation. I was better within a week.
I have never had Shingles so I can not compare but your brief description matches what I experienced.
Best of luck, let us know how everything works out.
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