Shed Hunting Tips and Tricks


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
I've only routed for a day of specific shed hunting a handful of times. I'm far from knowledged on the subject.
I've found more antlers not looking than focused on finding. My dogs have found more though nose to the ground figure has its benefits. :)

How about you? What's worked and what did you find a waste of time?

This Meateater article was just released and I enjoyed it. Focused on deer though seems there are similarities to some extent.

Searching the back 40 for sheds, picking some up when you hunt... knock yourself out.

Going out into the hills every spring to harry elk and deer until they drop, picking up hundreds of lbs of sheds selling them, and perpetuating the commodification of wildlife via antlers, which in part has lead to an uptick in the robberies of taxidermists and hunters.

Go back to Utah bro