Caribou Gear Tarp

Scarey night

My favorite part of these threads is how many guys are actually operators disguised as regular Joes on a hunting website!

@duckhunt I'm sure it was a very unnerving experience, glad you and yours are all safe!
65% the people on their Internet are Navy seal ranger sniper team squad leaders. Or at least their uncle is, and he told them all you need to do is rack that 870. If that don’t work you pepper their a$$ with some #6 bird shot.🙄
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Speaking of greasy skids, my wife just sent me this picture of her car. She works in the Saskatoon Ghetto. Some shithead broke her window and stole her gym bag...

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All the more reason I don’t workout. Thieves can’t steal my gym bag!

But in all seriousness, glad everyone is ok. Living out a gravel road in the country I worry that some meth head will try to welcome themselves to our home. It’s happening more and more.
All the more reason I don’t workout. Thieves can’t steal my gym bag!

But in all seriousness, glad everyone is ok. Living out a gravel road in the country I worry that some meth head will try to welcome themselves to our home. It’s happening more and more.

It was obviously a quick snatch, they took the bag in the front seat but none of the money in the center console (which I keep telling my wife to put away) and the trunk full of xmas gifts...
Well surprised it hasn't been asked yet. What is the best tweaker round or bullet?
I am thinking a 125 gr Nosler BT out of a .308 or faster. Don't want a complete pass through but if it does I want it to be just bits and pieces of jacket. I don't want to hear your tweaker story on how you hit one and they dropped and got back up with no blood trail either. I am fine with long range shots on tweakers and encourage them if the tweaker is about to get away.
My dog will absolutely tear someone in half if they come in without being welcome. With that said, I travel a lot for work and I have given my wife clear instructions. We have an 18 month old…if they get through the dog, shoot them in the chest. If she hears something off at night, take the dog and a pistol and make sure everything is clear.

There are two things I can’t replace in this world. My wife and my daughter.
I travel a lot, too, but the kids are grown and gone. My 200# of terriers would not make it a fun visit, but my wife would roll out of the bed and point the gun at the door.

Something to consider - have the little one sleep in mom's room when you travel. If something does go bump, she can grab the little one, hunker down by the side of the bed opposite the door, and call 911. There's a reason that cops and military folks train long and hard on clearing a house, and never do it alone.

Well surprised it hasn't been asked yet. What is the best tweaker round or bullet?
I am thinking a 125 gr Nosler BT out of a .308 or faster. Don't want a complete pass through but if it does I want it to be just bits and pieces of jacket. I don't want to hear your tweaker story on how you hit one and they dropped and got back up with no blood trail either. I am fine with long range shots on tweakers and encourage them if the tweaker is about to get away.
32" Louisville Slugger. Tweeker isn't healthy or alert enough to put up much of a fight. They're usually also not rich enough to own a gun. I would enjoy a chance for some off-season batting practice.
32" Louisville Slugger. Tweeker isn't healthy or alert enough to put up much of a fight. They're usually also not rich enough to own a gun. I would enjoy a chance for some off-season batting practice.
I get that but I heard if they have meth mouth! A stray tooth could fly out and possibly cut you...I would rather kiss a rabid badger than get infected by tweaker blood.
That’s pretty scary. It takes a bold fellow to break into a occupied residence.

Twice I’ve had someone trying to get through the gate at deer camp in the middle of the night. Both failed. But I now lock the gate, my truck and the cabin at night.
32" Louisville Slugger. Tweeker isn't healthy or alert enough to put up much of a fight. They're usually also not rich enough to own a gun. I would enjoy a chance for some off-season batting practice.
Sounds good, but wanna try swinging one in the hallway of your house? How many stories have you read of folks getting whacked in the head by the old H&B and being released from the hospital that night? Or what if he is bigger, younger, meaner, and quicker than you?

The baseball bat thing sounds good. I was a damned good hitter when I played baseball. Over 40 years ago. No way, ever, would I choose to use a baseball bat as my tool for home protection.

32" Louisville Slugger. Tweeker isn't healthy or alert enough to put up much of a fight. They're usually also not rich enough to own a gun. I would enjoy a chance for some off-season batting practice.

Don’t forget to wave your fist in his face and say, “WHY I OUGHTTA!” Before you boop him on the head a la Three Stooges.
Woke up around 2 this morning to a noise and the dogs barking. I get out of bed and look out the window and see foot prints in the fresh snow going around to the front of my house. There's a blizzard going on so I figure maybe somebody is stuck in the snow or needs help. So I put my coat and shoes on, grab a flashlight and go outside to check it out.

I go out the side door we normally use where the yard light is and walk around to the front of the house where it's dark. I can see a truck sitting running on the road to the north of my house about a block away. When I shine my light that way the truck takes off. Next I'm sure this isn't somebody that needs help so in the house I go to grab my pistol. Back outside I investigate the tracks that went down my driveway to the garage for 2 screwdrivers ,then to a bedroom window ,and then back to the road.

I believe the dogs barking scared them off. The cops were called and they showed up to investigate. They took the screwdrivers for evidence and tried to follow tire tracks. Do to the blizzard the tire tracks faded off into the snow. Pretty uneasy feeling knowing somebody was breaking in while we were sleeping inside.
It takes a real mental midget to go thieving when there's snow on the ground.

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