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SB23-275 Colorado Wild Horse Project

Monies to manage something already handled federally by the BLM. On the other hand, it could be an opportunity for hunters to get proactively involved in horse birth control.

Okay, this is not OK. It vests a non-profit group with the political benefits of Board appointment and oversight by the Governor, adding a political shield other non-profits can't access and creating a hybrid beast of gov't and non-profit. It undermines all conservation efforts that are not in the Governor's pocket, by comparison. If wild horse management has sufficient mojo to merit a non-profit group, which it does in spades, let existing groups operate without the Gov's cloud over them. And it is redundant to existing efforts by BLM and existing non-profit groups, a redundancy funded by tax $. Opposed!
Okay, this is not OK. It vests a non-profit group with the political benefits of Board appointment and oversight by the Governor, adding a political shield other non-profits can't access and creating a hybrid beast of gov't and non-profit. It undermines all conservation efforts that are not in the Governor's pocket, by comparison. If wild horse management has sufficient mojo to merit a non-profit group, which it does in spades, let existing groups operate without the Gov's cloud over them. And it is redundant to existing efforts by BLM and existing non-profit groups, a redundancy funded by tax $. Opposed!
I'm working on writing my Reps and others that a backing this.

The backdoor is that this is from Marlon and his animal rights cronies. He's very involved with a local CO photographer who is on the AWHC board. A staunch advocate of not properly managing the horse herds.

I don't like this pilfering from the general fund. It's a pet project for Polis and his boy toy.
Mark my words this will be a disaster for Colorado.

First thing they will do, is claim that there are not enough predators to keep horse populations down, so good by to lion and bear hunting under the claim that will decrease horse populations.

This is sickening and should be a huge red flag to everyone.

100% this ends up as a disaster…
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