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SB196 - New Mexico


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Hastings, MN
I see a lot of chatter about this bill in New Mexico to change the R/NR allocation for all species. As you know it is currently 78% R, 12% NR Guided, and 10% NR Unguided. This legislation started as an effort to eliminate the 12% NR Guided allocation but has recently morphed into something else. I gather that the bill was recently amended to be 90% R, 8% NR Guided, and 2% NR Unguided. This allocation would extend to all species. In addition it looks like there is a $90 license that NR would have to buy just to apply. While I won’t get too upset about the R of NM fighting to get 90% like most other Western states, it just irks me to see yet another state absolutely sticking it to NR.

Anyone have any insight into what the likelihood this thing actually passes?
I doubt it passes. The guides have too much power for that to happen. I have no problem with NR's having opportunity to hunt here. What I can't stand is the 12% going to guided hunters. There should be one NR pool. Period. I don't care if it's 10% or 20%.

One of these days, NM hunters will wake up and realize that it is not the NR allocation that is the problem. The landowner system here is insane. Giving public land tags to private ranches to sell blows my mind.
Thanks nmtaxi. With so much chatter about this bill I guess I thought it was close to a done deal.

I agree with you over the 12% guided. There should be one pool and I wouldnt shed a tear over that pool being 10%. The newest allocation described above is borderline criminal....2% to DIY NR????
You're right about that. I e-mailed the Senator that proposed the bill about the new 8%-2% rumors, and haven't recieved an answer yet. In the original bill, there is no mention of the 8-2 split. Right now it's only in committee. Hasn't even gone to a vote yet. It still has to pass two committees, then the senate, then the house.
There are so many things that need fixing I can't believe this is what they are choosing to mess with.
In my opinion, what would really help is to change the draw back the way it used to be. Right now, I put in an app, and if that app is drawn, they look at all 3 choices and I draw the first one available. So, a guy that has a unit 15 muzz hunt as his third choice and I have it as a first choice, he could draw that tag before me. Makes no since. Draw odds on good hunts would actually improve if they drew all first choices, first, then second and so on. People would have to prioritize what hunts they want to draw.
Well, I just recieved an e-mail from the NMWF, who is in support of this bill. It just passed the first committee, but added in the 8% guided, 2% unguided split. New Mexico hunters need to wake up and realize that this is not the solution, and sets a dangerous precedent.
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Any subsidy for a industry the makes it's living off of the public's resource is wrong. Let them survive with what's left. If 10% of the tags go to NRs and they want to use outfitters, then fine, if they don't they should have that option. It should be up to the NR that drew. That's my feelings for my state. What you decide, either way in NM, is your choice. Good luck!
I think that will put a pretty big dent in NM's income from the NR. Why spend the money on next to impossible odds?
What was it, 10 years ago or so when NM came up with the guided only plan? That didn't last long.
2% is brutal. Amazing how politicians can work these bills through and get them passed. Not a law yet, but not too far from becoming one.
I guess that changes my plan to apply in NM this year if its passed.2% to unguided NR is crazy,and will cost them alot of $$.I bet the guys with landowner tags will be very happy to see this pass though.Can't even imagine what the cost of those will go up to
If this passes it will become more difficult for me to justify applying in NM...just about isnt worth it now.
I love hunting in NM. But I have to say if this 8-2 split passes, I'll be telling them where they can stick it. I already get dirty looks and cold shoulders when I do draw.

I'm glad not every one in NM thinks this is a good idea NMTAXI.
I'm hoping something like this doesn't pass. If it does, I can't imagine it would be placed in effect this year with the draw already open to applicants. Could majorly screw things up next year though.
Two speedy replies....both out of office.

The Fiftieth Legislature First Session, 2011, began at noon on January 18th and will extend for 60 days, closing on March 19th. Thank you for your email and please continue to contact me as we move through this session's agenda. I appreciate all input, especially that from my constituents in Senate District 15
.Eichenberg, Tim ([email protected])

Thank you for your email. I anticipate receiving over 3000 emails over the 60 day session. To that end, I will do my best to respond to every email.

Every input I receive from constituents is of value to me. I will be reviewing the content of each email but may not be able to reply because of time constraints.

If there is a conversation you would like to have further than just this email please call my legislative office at 505 986-4371 to leave a message for a return call.

If this is a secondary email or follow up and you are receiving this for a second time please bear with the process and know I am absorbing the content of each email.

This will be a very trying session as we tackle a revenue short fall and expect to see a number of social issues come before us. From all the information and ideas looked at during the interim hearings new ideas seem to be in short supply. But all avenues will be considered. If there is an idea which you are wondering why we are not considering, then please give me a call to discuss.

Again, if you want to have a more detailed discussion please give me a call. Email is great to say "HI" but horrible to discuss a detailed idea.

Thank you for getting involved via your email. I hope to earn your support and always be a public servant rather than a politician.
Sapien, John ([email protected])
I got those two word for word, then got two more this morning.

Dear Jeffrey,

Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns on this very important issue. I will carefully look at all the facts into all legislation as it comes before us in committee and on the Senate Floor.


Eric G. Griego

Senator, District 14


Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Tuesday, the Conservation Committee passed Senate Bill 196. It was amended to address many of the concerns New Mexicans and non-New Mexicans voiced, and I will continue to monitor the progress of the bill. The next committee hearing the bill is Senate Finance.

Thank you.

Senator Clinton D. Harden

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