PEAX Equipment

Saw Something Pretty Cool


Active member
Oct 31, 2009
So I was out hunting this weekend and stopped near the head of a drainage to glass for critters.

Much to my surprise, a sow grizzly with three cubs walked out of the trees. I watched them continue up through the rocks and into the cliffs. I lost view of them eventually, but all I can guess is that they were heading up to a cave in the cliffs to den up for the winter.

Crappy iPhone pics are all I got of them.


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Very cool! I saw a sow and twins one time on the Scapegoat Plateau. I set up my camp in the dark, thinking I was giving them a very wide berth. I woke up in the morning and lookied around my tent, bear digs everywhere! They may have counted coup on me for all I know.
Very cool! I saw a sow and twins one time on the Scapegoat Plateau. I set up my camp in the dark, thinking I was giving them a very wide berth. I woke up in the morning and lookied around my tent, bear digs everywhere! They may have counted coup on me for all I know.

Eerie feeling!

Great pics! Thanks for sharing, Belly Deep! Really cool!
Very cool. Love seein griz where I know they can't eat me.

Not gonna lie, at one point I had an "oh ####" moment when I thought they were going to sidehill around to my side of the basin. But they kept going up and up....

Their walking speed was pretty astonishing. They probably could have crossed over to my side in about 5 minutes.
Very cool.

We were camped in a Parks Canada campsite one time in Waterton, and woke up to see a sow and cub about 600 yards away up on the ridge. That is about my preferred sighting distance.
Tim Manley, the bear bio up in the Kalispell area puts up some very cool pics of these bears denning up. He does flights for his collars to see who is denned up and who is still running around. Crazy how they walk up near the top of a mountain and then just dig a hole in frozen ground and rocks.
That is a rare experience, especially at these cold temps. Makes you wonder what she was finding for food that would to make it worth the time of them to be out looking for calories while burning so many BTUs to stay warm in the recent weather we've had.

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