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Satellite Communicator DeLorme SOS

Knot Tellin

New member
Jun 26, 2012
I have been debating on purchasing a DeLorme satellite SOS/Communicator device for an upcoming trip. I think it would be nice if to have something happens and for piece of mind for my family. Has anyone had any experience with them or something similar?
We have had a couple relatively extensive discussions about the InReach, PLB, and SPOT systems. I use a SPOT Gen 2 for work and it does ok for checking in but I personally prefer the DeLorme InReach (but do not own). I haven't run the numbers lately but over a 5 year period (using the systems for 5 months a year) the InReach had a better cost of operation. The InReach system also uses the Iridium satellite system which is supposedly more reliable than SPOT's Globalstar.
I did my research and purchased the In Reach. Used it on a recent scouting trip to test it out.

Worked as advertised. I texted my family and they were able to send me a message back.
Delorme user here as well. Never not had a message go through or be recieved. Well worth the price for my wife's piece of mind. The new plans make it very affordable as well.
Love my inReach!! I even use it outside of hunting season when I'm driving in areas with no cell service and it came in handy one time when I broke down and was able to message my wife and she could get me help. I like the inReach for the ability to send AND receive text messages while I'm out and about. It's a huge piece of mind for my wife when I'm hunting, plus it passes the time in a blind to message her and my kids and friends...and I can tell everyone when I'm successful when I don't have cell service!!
Is it worth it to buy the one with the built in gps. I already have a garmin and run onXmaps.
Is it worth it to buy the one with the built in gps. I already have a garmin and run onXmaps.
If the device would allow you to put maps on them like their handheld GPS does, I would say YES! Until then no, IMO. The GPS with the InReach, as far as I know, does not allow mapping other than points and routes. No background data.
The SE can be used as a stand alone unit without a cell phone, but messaging that way is a pain in the butt with the arrow point and click keyboard on the unit. I pair mine with a cell phone for the ease of easier messaging since I can use the voice to text or predictive text feature on my phone for messages or if I want to type, the keyboard on the phone is much more convenient. But, you can do it either way.
We always carry a sat phone but got the call today about a friend out sheep hunting. he has one of the in reach ones and it saved there ass. scree started sliding on the pass they were crossing and send his brother down hill. his pack kept him from rolling but piled him into the ground a few times dislocating his shoulder and messing him up really good. they ended up having to get flown out. They are good to have at all times not just hunting.
I got the in reach se{yellow one} and will be tryin it out soon,,,takes a little bit to figure out and set up but I think itll be a nother nice item to have if ya need it.
I have used the first gen SPOT for the last 6-8 years, it does what is supposed to do. But as my wife and I get older the ability to send and receive messages is just getting too important, so I just bought a Delorme InReachSE. Haven't used it yet, but most folks do seem happy with them, hope I am as well.
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