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Santorum to end hunting on Public Lands in Idaho

Having a break after kicking some lib tard ass.


Wow SS, I didn't know your hair was so.......flowing. No wonder you wear the hat. Who's all dressed up in pink next to you?
It's just not fair for things like losing public land to even be brought up. If they were to go to a private sector it would be the end. I hunt public land for the most part unless some locals need help in controlling their herds, which has only been once in 5 years. I don't foresee us losing the public lands, but the fact that they are out there talking about it is upsetting. I'm glad I joined on here to keep myself updated on issues that continue to arise.
I feel I try to do as much as I can to continue the traditions that have been passed onto me, but know there is more I can do. It will be a cold day in hell before I sit back and watch public lands being sold to private sectors, or placed in the wrong hands. I'm only 27 and am looking forward to the day when I can take my kids out to public access that we have been so fortunate to have. But if we sit back and let this happen that can all disappear.
It belongs to us and it needs to stay that way. I have been frustrated in the past hunting on public lands and having to hunt shoulder to shoulder with people on different hunts, but that's public land for ya. I don't have the checkbook to hunt high end ranches. If we lose public lands, I myself would lose the opportunities we as public land hunters have been blessed with.

Very well said, and, if you care about hunting, you have an obligation to let others know of the nutcase positions on Public Lands that people like Santorum and Romney have taken.

You can try and let the politician know you don't agree, but, make sure you also let other hunters know of the anti-hunting positions of Santorum and Romney.
Careful valet parking the F-150 unless you remove the Magic Muslib bumper sticker.:D

....say hello to Willard for me and don't heckle.:cool:

Don't be silly, as with Romney, I don't think we should have bailed out Detroit.

So, in honor of Romney being in town, I drove a vehicle representing the finest in engineering from Germany. As Romney would say "to hell with Detroit, we need Munich"....

I see this is going well. :)

BTW - Marvel is a jackass, and is usually the first one to admit it.

Those close to Marvel are usually pretty quick to point it out too... But, without Marvel and his position, there never would have been a Simpson-Tester compromise.

But, you have to agree this is going well, look how this thread is the most active on this whole site, and now, any hunter who sees someone supporting Santorum has the information to point out that Santorum wants to sell My Public Lands so that we can't hunt on them anymore.
After reading all this BS I believe JC is one of Obama's Czars they are all over the internet trying to get him back in office for 4 more years if that happens you may as else hand your guns over cause nothing will stop this regime from taking our freedom!!!!!!

You joined this site 18 months ago and the only think you found to comment on was related to the NRA kool-aid you get spoon fed on AM Radio?

Dude, there are amazing pictures and stories of amazing animals being hunted in amazing country on this site. Turn off your AM radio and get out and start hunting on Public Lands, and you will quickly figure out that protecting Public Lands is far more important than listening to AM Radio and being afraid of crazy conspiracy theories fed to you by the NRA.

And, if you really care, I will be heading down to my local GOP caucus in 2 weeks, on Super Tuesday, to try and figure out which of these GOP candidates will do the least amount of damage to My Public Lands. Hardly an Obama Czar....
.....you have to agree this is going well, look how this thread is the most active on this whole site, and now, any hunter who sees someone supporting Santorum has the information to point out that Santorum wants to sell My Public Lands so that we can't hunt on them anymore.

I do agree.

In all seriousness, the value of these posts, no matter how heated they get, is to provide information. This was very useful information to have.

Once people have information, what decision they make is up to them. Historically, a politician's worst nightmare is a pissed off hunter/supporter who shows up with good information.
Those close to Marvel are usually pretty quick to point it out too... But, without Marvel and his position, there never would have been a Simpson-Tester compromise.

Simpson/Tester happened because people got tired of the lawsuits and the endless waiting on WY. So in essence, yes, WWP helped get S/T in that their continual litigation made congress act.

Kinda like when the wife (everyone) shoots the husband (marvel, et al) who's been abusing them. ;)

I don't agree with the way that Marvel, Garrity and others go about their business, and I often times think that they don't care about the outcomes, just fighting.
I don't agree with the way that Marvel, Garrity and others go about their business, and I often times think that they don't care about the outcomes, just fighting.
I too believe there's alot of truth in this statement! They only care about the outcomes, IMO, if they get to decide the path to get there.
I don't agree with the way that Marvel, Garrity and others go about their business, and I often times think that they don't care about the outcomes, just fighting.

I disagree, I think he is way too willing to compromise.

I much prefer the methods of George Washington Hayduke.
Went to the Santorum rally/speech last night in Boise. Uncovered yet another "anti-hunting" threat to those of us who hunt on public lands in the West.

Unbelivabley, Santorum is willing to turn Idaho (and Montana, Nevada, etc...) into another Texas where we can all shoot dinky rat-deer next to corn flingers behind high fences.

This guy is as anti-Hunting as Romney.

what is the source for this article, can someone post a link?
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