Caribou Gear Tarp

Sad find


Well-known member
May 17, 2016
We, the spouse got within about 65 yds of this great bull, waiting for a good shot when some guys heard the bugles he was throwing out and moved in. Needless to say the lead cow response to their calls was very interesting, SHE gathered the harem and the bull and got them out of the drainage.
About one week later this was found in the same general area, but a ways from the first encounter. Sad end to a great bull. Got shot and the meat was way too far gone. We are meeting the GW over the weekend for an interstate game tag for the head. He will get cleaned up and hopefully hang somewhere will he will get some recognition. We also plan to get his teeth aged by G&F.
Yes, many would leave that head in the woods but we feel he deserves some recognition . Public land bull in Wyoming.

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Yes sir I will. They are pretty worn down so he's a well matured bull.
The predators and scavengers are eating well at least.
Don't you have bears up there? Surprised it wasn't torn to pieces after lying on the ground for a few days. Could you see the fatal wound? Where was it hit? Massive bull, too bad the hunter didn't recover it.
Yes bears, it looked to be about 2-3 days old and we expect it to be very scavenged by Thursday.
Arrow entry wound behind liver, gut shot.
The birds had found it but coyotes, bears and maybe a wolf will not be far behind. Bear sighting about 2 miles from the site.
No elk activity in that area for a few days so maybe they are mourning his loss too.
We'll put a tape to him also after the boil and get the tooth age in a bit.
We have friends with a local brewery/restaurant so he may end up in there.
Kind of takes the wind out of your sails I'll say, when you find one of your quarry in a loss like that.
Sad deal there. Would like to see another pic when you get it cleaned up and hung
wish there was a way to find the hunter who shot it and give the rack to him or her

That is a consideration. We will be talking with the GW about that. Hard to fathom not finding a bull like that in the area it was found. Ravens and jays along with the smell made it an easy find. However, it could have very easily traveled a ways on flat ground to the death site.

We have been keeping eyes out for wounded elk shot last year by a NR hunter just to try and ease his disappointment. No joy in claiming someone else's trophy.
If they were local we should perhaps hear about it, small town.
Nice animal. Sad it wasn't recovered. I give my fellow hunters the benefit of the doubt and assume it wasn't from lack of effort.
I think everyone knows that. In my opinion, recovery of the animal is a requirement for aquireing a trophy. It builds character. Rewarding failure does not build character.

There could have been many reasons why the shooter was unable to recover the bull. It happens every year! You might have a different outlook if it happened to you!! If you don't know the circumstances
you shouldn't be so quick to judge.