Sad day here today - The hardest thing I have ever had to do


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
I write this with tears in my eyes as today I lost the best friend I had. He never got mad at me. He was always happy to see me when I got home with his wagging tail of joy. He was my beloved companion. He has been in a fight with CANCER for over a year and it was a fight he nor us could win. He did not deserve this nor did he ask for this, it just happened. We had his tumor removed only a few months ago only to have it return in full force again. Along with it he developed many more tumors that were not related to the original one. He also developed ligament problems in his left hind knee. The past few days have been very hard and very unforgiving to such a good animal where as he had a hard time laying down and even a harder time getting back up. His appetite went to nothing and hardly ate a thing the past three days. But with all of this happening to him, he still happily went and got my slippers for me every night. He still got the ball so I could play with him, only to tire and lay down after one throw. He trusted us with his life this morning and happily went with us to the vet's office. Was he happy to go for the ride or did he know the fate which would be coming shortly and know that his pain would soon be gone? Did he sense the sadness which we tried to hold in when we got there? He wagged his tail and looked at us as we left him there to have his pain disappear forever. We miss you Aspen and you will never be forgotten for the joy you gave to us and for being the best friend any person could ever ask for. May GOD bless you and be with you.

Sorry for your loss. I could never understand how people could become so attached to a pet, that is until I got one. I am not looking forward to being in your position someday.
I knew it was your dog before i read the thread, i went thru the same thing with my dog "bull" 4 yrs ago, the kids wife and me all cried, it`s sad why can`t they live at least as long as us? I`m very sorry for your loss.
I am sorry to hear that Bill. He was a cool dog. Very affectionate to everyone he met, even for the first time.

Quick Draw
Elkhunter, I'm sorry to hear that. That must have been so hard for you taking him to the vet. Golden Retrievers are awesome dogs. Mine will be 12 years old next month, and I know it won't be long and I'll be forced to do the same thing you just did. She's really healthy but she's got hip dysplasia and arthritis really bad in both rear legs. I really don't think her legs will hold out much longer, and it's going to be up to me to decide when to end her suffering, but I don't know if I can do it.

Sorry you are going through this. It is tough.

Anybody that ever has had a good dog, and cares about them, is destined to experience the sadness when their time is up.

I never could figure out whether it's God's bad design or one of his best...

We do eventually get to experience a new one if we choose, and all of the good that comes with that.

Hang in there.....

That drive to the Vet's office is one of the toughest ones you ever make. I been there, and done that, and the only harder drive is the one back from the Vet's office, afterwards.

Have a drink to a friend that has gone, but memories that will remain.
He's in a Place like the Picture he's in... And Smiling at ya for being a good friend.

Sorry to hear of your and LB's loss.
I'm glad I got to meet Aspen He was a great friend I know.
You did what you had to do. It was for the best. It's very hard to do. I'll be thinking of you and LB. And Aspen to.
Sorry for your loss EH. I know what you are going through as well. It aint always easy to do what needs to be done.

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