Caribou Gear Tarp

Ryan Busse is a coward

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Really, that's the answer. There are roughly 130k k-12 schools in the US. If we put two armed guards at a cost of 100k/year for the two of them, that is $13 billion/year. Let's say there is a school shooting every week, round it to 50. So in any one year a school has about a 0.04% chance of a shooter walking into it. The average guard would not ever see a shooter walk in.

And if it was well known that schools were too well defended, the mass shooters would choose a different target, like a mall, theater, grocery store, etc.

I doubt the majority of the public feels they should spend 13 billion a year, so that AR weapons can remain legal and easily purchased. My guess is some other solution will emerge.

What I really wanted to say (but for emotional reasons is so controversial) is arm the classrooms/teachers, however without force and with proper training. Imagine if the Uvalde teacher had a fingerprint activated gun safe with a firearm to shield herself and the children instead of nothing. If people are more uncomfortable with this idea than they are helpless teachers and children being gunned down then I can't have a further discussion on the topic, because banning any weapon type isnt going to work in the short term as there are already millions of semi auto rifles in homes all across America. No one is or should go door to door to confinscate them.

Still to your point about the cost its couch pennies compared to what our goverment spends on foreign intervention endless wars. But keep flying the Ukraine flag at your house if that makes you feel good inside. Not aiming this at you directly just what I see in neighborhoods next to all the other virtue signaling BS signs.

For the record I support background checks that actually work (mental health) and raising the age limit to purchase certain semi auto rifles to 21 as long as they raise the age limit to go die in a useless war to 21 as well.

I don't think any solution will ever emerge because this issue is so polarizing and people want the easiest fix in everything. You have to ask yourself if you want your children going to school with or without guns in the classroom safely locked up and used by trained and willing teachers, or if you would rather take the risk in them being a victim of a school shooting because we will never be able to rid of all the guns in this country nor should we. I have a young daughter soon starting elementary school and we are looking for the most safe/secure school in Idaho to send her. Its about RIGHT NOW for me and my wife, not some pipedream solution that will take a decade to implement.
Let's suppose we do let teachers have an arm in a classroom.

What are the chances that the teacher prevails when the person surprisingly barges in with a AR also wearing a bulletproof vest as many of these shooters are? I'd say that the teacher would be the first target, if the shooter is even half bright. There is almost no way for the teacher to win that fight. Hells bells there have been cops unwilling to enter schools when a shooter is inside. They are better armed and wearing their own bullet proof vest.

We can't harden every last public place against mass killers. It would be entirely cost prohibitive. There are ALWAYS going to be people that would like to do these horrendous acts, ALWAYS. It is our choice to give them access to such a wonderful tool for mass killing.
Ok so gun to your head (no pun intended) here’s two scenarios. Your 9 year old daughter is in a class room and a school shooter enters the building and everyone hears gunshots. Remember this is only one very untrained young shooter (not sure why you give them intelligence creds as they are all
Looney and 100% not trained).

Option a) at least one teacher if not multiple in the building are armed and trained

Option b) no one is armed nor trained like every scenario so far

Simple question, which option you want your child in?

And at this point in the convo I’m not going to address schools vs malls but we can after you answer above, thanks.
Ok so gun to your head (no pun intended) here’s two scenarios. Your 9 year old daughter is in a class room and a school shooter enters the building and everyone hears gunshots. Remember this is only one very untrained young shooter (not sure why you give them intelligence creds as they are all
Looney and 100% not trained).

Option a) at least one teacher if not multiple in the building are armed and trained

Option b) no one is armed nor trained like every scenario so far

Simple question, which option you want your child in?

And at this point in the convo I’m not going to address schools vs malls but we can after you answer above, thanks.
Hope it's not you or your kids, build caskets and bury the dead, all you can do.

Period, end of story, rest is semantics and fluff.
Let's suppose we do let teachers have an arm in a classroom.

What are the chances that the teacher prevails when the person surprisingly barges in with a AR also wearing a bulletproof vest as many of these shooters are? I'd say that the teacher would be the first target, if the shooter is even half bright. There is almost no way for the teacher to win that fight. Hells bells there have been cops unwilling to enter schools when a shooter is inside. They are better armed and wearing their own bullet proof vest.

We can't harden every last public place against mass killers. It would be entirely cost prohibitive. There are ALWAYS going to be people that would like to do these horrendous acts, ALWAYS. It is our choice to give them access to such a wonderful tool for mass killing.

My school
Let's suppose we do let teachers have an arm in a classroom.

What are the chances that the teacher prevails when the person surprisingly barges in with a AR also wearing a bulletproof vest as many of these shooters are? I'd say that the teacher would be the first target, if the shooter is even half bright. There is almost no way for the teacher to win that fight. Hells bells there have been cops unwilling to enter schools when a shooter is inside. They are better armed and wearing their own bullet proof vest.

We can't harden every last public place against mass killers. It would be entirely cost prohibitive. There are ALWAYS going to be people that would like to do these horrendous acts, ALWAYS. It is our choice to give them access to such a wonderful tool for mass killing.

My school district has double entry doors, electric badge needed at both. Locked exterior doors, and DARE officers at each school.

The last shooters (we didn't get their written reasons, I wonder why?), passed BCI. Should we have BCI them 2 more times?

And yeah, I think if a rainbow haired tranny tries buying a gun, passes BCI but gets denied by a salesman, the salesman loses his job, some mental illness is celebrated.
And yeah, I think if a rainbow haired tranny tries buying a gun, passes BCI but gets denied by a salesman, the salesman loses his job, some mental illness is celebrated.

You really teed this up, but I'm going to resist.
In a friend's school, he already has a ballistic vest (not illegal) and a baseball bat. Give him his Sig M-17 and I guarantee the shooter is going down; been shooting gophers with him since he was 7. YMMV.
Hope it's not you or your kids, build caskets and bury the dead, all you can do.

Yea you've been spouting this for years now on every forum. You're doing great, "all you can do" lol.

Serious question, do you know how to protect yourself and your (assumed) family from any kind of danger? Or do you walk around feeling helpless with a fuk it attitude? Are you prepared with a can or pistol in grizz country? Would be ironic if you are...

Its mind blowing that some dont want to protect kids TODAY from another shooting. I dont want one single more mass school shooting to ever happen. Logic tells me guns are here right now, banning them from all future purchases isnt stopping the crazies like adam lanza from taking his mothers rifle. Arm and protect the most vulnerable population (children) or yea, caskets and stuff.

Cowardness at its finest in here, reminds me of the Uvalde officers.
CBS news last night showed a statistic that ~26% of mass shooting victims are African American males. Very unfortunate as all shootings are, but suggests other societal issues.

It’s unclear what percentage of “gang related shootings” (like we have here in Portland) count towards “mass shootings” but I assume most, based on the definition of the latter phrase.
I really expected saj, 406, Wilm, to have jumped right in here bright and early this morning to show us how serious the Dems are about "gun crimes, gun violence" after the DOJ laid the wood to a crackhead who bought a gun illegally, then dumped it in a garbage can across from a high school. Need to depend on the left and their mighty leader( Busse served on campaign) to save us all from the serious scourge of guns both at schools, and in the hands of dangerous folks.

NO? Really? Huh? Didn't see Busse on CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES, nor an article he's penned in the Guardian or Atlantic. I'm sure it's not because of a political slant, it only about saving the children
I really expected saj, 406, Wilm, to have jumped right in here bright and early this morning to show us how serious the Dems are about "gun crimes, gun violence" after the DOJ laid the wood to a crackhead who bought a gun illegally, then dumped it in a garbage can across from a high school. Need to depend on the left and their mighty leader( Busse served on campaign) to save us all from the serious scourge of guns both at schools, and in the hands of dangerous folks.

NO? Really? Huh? Didn't see Busse on CNN, MSNBC, NY TIMES, nor an article he's penned in the Guardian or Atlantic. I'm sure it's not because of a political slant, it only about saving the children
Seriously? Stop posting on this thread. You are embarrassing yourself.
Yea you've been spouting this for years now on every forum. You're doing great, "all you can do" lol.

Serious question, do you know how to protect yourself and your (assumed) family from any kind of danger? Or do you walk around feeling helpless with a fuk it attitude? Are you prepared with a can or pistol in grizz country? Would be ironic if you are...

Its mind blowing that some dont want to protect kids TODAY from another shooting. I dont want one single more mass school shooting to ever happen. Logic tells me guns are here right now, banning them from all future purchases isnt stopping the crazies like adam lanza from taking his mothers rifle. Arm and protect the most vulnerable population (children) or yea, caskets and stuff.

Cowardness at its finest in here, reminds me of the Uvalde officers.
Your "solution" isn't even a dogchit idea. Teachers are not trained to be cops, they're trained to teach.

If you're going to ask them to be both, you willing to give them double pay with 20 year retirements and other LEO benefits?

I'm not spouting anything but the truth and it hurts your feelings.

School shootings are going to happen, just learn to live with it.
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