Ryan Busse is a coward

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It’s so hard to quantify.

I do think that European people’s expectations of healthcare quality in general are lower, which leads to higher satisfaction metrics. Just an opinion.

European countries tend to be far healthier, they simply need less, which creates a much different dynamic.
There’s just a lot of really entitled and opinionated kids from vacation mountain towns who think they’re super enlightened and cultured because their parents sent them skiing all over the world and it’s annoying.
Painting with a mighty broad brush. I know plenty of opinionated and entitled people that didn't grow up in a vacation mountain town, and although I'm plenty opinionated, I'm not entitled, and I grew up in a vacation mountain town.
Are you saying that if the police knew a school shooter had a handgun instead of a semi auto rifle that they’d be more likely to walk into the line of fire.

DUH, Which one would you want to put your bullet proof vest to the test against.
There’s just a lot of really entitled and opinionated kids from vacation mountain towns who think they’re super enlightened and cultured because their parents sent them skiing all over the world and it’s annoying.
No different than opinionated old guys in coffee shops who think they are super enlightened because they found the internet. Everyone is annoying in one way or another.
many turns this thread is taking.

a super common mistake lots of people make in this world is thinking anyone gives a shit about their opinion.
Opinion noted.

All kidding aside, I think people are bringing up some good points (stats, analysis) for others to consider, which they may not have thought about before.

Will this change minds? Likely not (though I think there's some common ground as other pointed out). Team Polarization for the win?
Interesting interview. He says part of the explosion of firearms ownership radicalization was because in 2007 Barack Obama as a black presidential candidate was leading in the polls. [Edit: What he might fail to take into account was that since Obama was the next Dem after Clinton, who had helped pass Federal restrictions on firearms (which expired in the early 2000s?), so people started buying more firearms in case another "assault weapons ban" went into effect with a new Dem president.]

In the article this guy seems to be saying the mass shootings occurring now, are due to the proliferation of AR15s, and good marketing. He was Kimber's Director of Sales from 1995 to 2020 (Kimber doesn't produce ARs as far as I know, but along with the rest of the manufacturers starting in the late 2000s, they starting making "pretty" colored pistols to expand the customer base. Some of these pistols now like robin's egg blue or fushia look like kids' toys.)

Odd that he makes no mention of mental health as possibly being a factor in mass shootings.

He also has a book for sale: “Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry That Radicalized America”

Edit: He may also want to consider that certain gun control advocates like Gabby Giffords, have stated their goal is to end all gun ownership, period. That's probably going to cause the pro 2A side to more vigorously oppose such efforts.

I mean I read the article and she says she won't bring legislation unless it has bipartisan support. So I don't see where you get that she wants all guns gone. Bipartisan support isn't going to happen to ban all guns.
A good question would be something like,

"Ryan, you were selected on the recently created "Committe to Support Wildlife Conservation and Recreation Opportunities to represent shooting sports interests. You're official listing on that committee assignment is unaffiliated. A lot of shoot sports enthusiasts and hunters have concerns that listing does not accurately represent the interests that you hold. Given that you have been on the pay roll of some the largest anti 2A organizations in the country those sportsman's and shooters are concerned that you do not represent them and that no one on the committee represents them. Can you talk about how you think you can best represent shooters given those concerns."

Maybe a follow up,

"Are you concerned that taking money from those lobbying groups and not disclosing it when representing shooting sports on such an important committee is a conflict of interest?"

And maybe

"Ryan, you know Nosler is a sponsor, (full disclosure listeners), can you talk about some of the communication or interaction you had with bullet manufacturers such as Nosler or other shooting sports group before presenting your comment to the committee and what are some of the groups or companies you worked with before having no additional new comments other than repeating Joel Webster's comment from TRoos Conservation Group.?

and maybe,

"You know Ryan, reading that transcript, the guy represent fishing tackle did a really nice job and went to great lengths distinguishing lead fishing tackle from lead ammunition. It kinda seem like that guy looked at the committee members and knew based on the administration and presenters that lead ammunition and shooters where a target of the Biden Administration. How is it that the Jighead manufacturing group was able to find someone to submit a comment but the shooting sports representative and group representing public land hunters and access could not come up with anything other than "We could look at incentives".

There's a couple ideas from that 1 committee meeting alone. I know a lot users on here aren't really interested in things like public resource funding allocation or public resource policy based on some of the discussions I had since joining. For those people, I'm pretty sure that committee is talking about which coffee mugs are best and if a 243 can kill an elk in their 5th meeting. That might be the meeting you guys want to catch.

From Google foo:

How long is GTA VR?

How long is Grand Theft Auto V? | HowLongToBeat

about 31½ Hours

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto V is about 31½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 81½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
I made a few comments earlier today, on this thread, because I thought they were funny. Looking back at them, they were rude and mean. I've deleted them.

But I will always stand up for Tillamook, and I do not care what anyone says.
I meaaannnnn..... have you been to Wisconsin and bought chocolate cheese there? Tillamook is good and all but.....
I mean I read the article and she says she won't bring legislation unless it has bipartisan support. So I don't see where you get that she wants all guns gone. Bipartisan support isn't going to happen to ban all guns.

The article wraps up with describing the end of the interview:

---- As we wrap our interview in her office, I ask how she keeps coming back to a challenge so deeply ingrained in politics. She pauses for 12 pregnant seconds.

“No more guns,” she says.

Ambler, her aide and adviser, tries to clarify that she means no more gun violence, but Giffords is clear about what she’s saying. “No, no, no,” she says. “Lord, no.” She pauses another 32 seconds. “Guns, guns, guns. No more guns. Gone.”

An aide clarifies that she’s talking about Australia, where gun sales were outlawed after a mass shooting and existing weapons were purchased by the government. Giffords nods in the affirmative. It’s an idealistic goal, for sure, and one perhaps mismatched for the moment in this country. But Giffords has an answer for that: “Legislation, legislation, legislation.” ----

Perhaps she's looking for bipartisan support for that, but I didn't see any specific national legislation mentioned in the article.

Edit to say perhaps she's first looking for bipartisan support for other lesser restrictions:

--- Behind her are 100,000 gun owners who signed up for her Giffords Gun Owners for Safety Coalition: enough is enough, even if there are some disagreements about whether to chase background checks, red-flag laws, or limits on ammunition first. ----
It's a free country, she can work toward any mission statement she wants. Others who align with her likely have a different mission statement.

She is as likely to achieve her goal as I am in having 8 non English speaking bad guys show up at my door, unarmed, of course, so that I can mow them down with either my O/U shotgun or big game rifle.

So, which should I use, while waiting for them, snacking on Midnight Moon goat cheese. Seriously, that is the best cheese that I've encountered.
It's a free country, she can work toward any mission statement she wants.
Totally agree, that's her life path and her right to do so. And glad she was honest about wanting to eliminate all guns. Better for everyone to know where other people stand, instead of having someone misleadingly claiming they don't want to get rid of all guns.
The article wraps up with describing the end of the interview:

---- As we wrap our interview in her office, I ask how she keeps coming back to a challenge so deeply ingrained in politics. She pauses for 12 pregnant seconds.

“No more guns,” she says.

Ambler, her aide and adviser, tries to clarify that she means no more gun violence, but Giffords is clear about what she’s saying. “No, no, no,” she says. “Lord, no.” She pauses another 32 seconds. “Guns, guns, guns. No more guns. Gone.”

An aide clarifies that she’s talking about Australia, where gun sales were outlawed after a mass shooting and existing weapons were purchased by the government. Giffords nods in the affirmative. It’s an idealistic goal, for sure, and one perhaps mismatched for the moment in this country. But Giffords has an answer for that: “Legislation, legislation, legislation.” ----

Perhaps she's looking for bipartisan support for that, but I didn't see any specific national legislation mentioned in the article.

Edit to say perhaps she's first looking for bipartisan support for other lesser restrictions:

--- Behind her are 100,000 gun owners who signed up for her Giffords Gun Owners for Safety Coalition: enough is enough, even if there are some disagreements about whether to chase background checks, red-flag laws, or limits on ammunition first. ----
To be fair to her perspective, we're all influenced by our life experiences. I've never been shot in the face by a mass murder. Had I been, I might support her goal as well.
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