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Ryan Busse. Anyone?

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Read the Gifford's site, after
I read the two question interview if you can call it that. Quite frankly it was way more sensible then the majority of the drivel you posted on this thread. And if I was looking for commonality on a issue despite disagreeing with someone it seems more likely to happen with the author then say you for example.
I read the two question interview if you can call it that. Quite frankly it was way more sensible then the majority of the drivel you posted on this thread. And if I was looking for commonality on a issue despite disagreeing with someone it seems more likely to happen with the author then say you for example.


You just posted you would withhold judgement until you read.....

But now you don't have to read?

Yet your ready to pass judgement.

Well, as long as you have standard and all

You just posted you would withhold judgement until you read.....

But now you don't have to read?

Yet your ready to pass judgement.

Well, as long as you have standard and all

You told me read the Gifford’s site. I went and read it. I unfortunately read most of your posts on here. Of the two that I READ I gave my opinion. Seems reasonable to pass judgement considering I read and digested both.
The book on the other hand I don’t have opinion on yet as I have not read but more then six pages. How many pages have you finished ?
It's rough when the guy you go after isn't a republican, or NRA member.

You should post an orange man bad meme next

I'm excited to listen to the podcast.

Those guys who ran out to buy his book, I encourage you to go read what Gifford's says, and look at who sits on the board with Busse, and what they call for.

Then, listen to Busse be asked things by someone who knows something about guns.

I don't want Lamb to burn through all his families mobile data frantically searching for memes, so to quote a previous post

"starting to look like what I remember Facebook comments looking like. I’m out."
Turncoats sell TV ratings
I don't need to read the book its all about the money once he signed on with the Giffords actions speak loader than words
All this Giffords talk, so I finally perused the site. Do I support what they're trying to do? Not really. Heck, my grandfathers .308 from the 50's has the same function as those scare black guns. I disagree with them that the technology is the problem. But if someone asked me if I'd feel safer in a place where everyone had unlimited weapons and ammo or a place where all of the laws on the Giffords website are enacted, sign me up for the latter.

But I don't fear my government, I fear disenfranchised white males between ages 15-65, who believe in conspiracies, speak in absolutes, probably have some minor mental health issues, and who must not be getting laid enough...

I'll see the government coming, I won't see that dude with two ARs under his coat walk into the grocery store, so in terms of my risk analysis to my own life and those of my loved ones, I put more concern on the latter.
But I don't fear my government, I fear disenfranchised white males between ages 15-65, who believe in conspiracies, speak in absolutes, probably have some minor mental health issues, and who must not be getting laid enough...

This right here. I work at the MN capital in "violent" St. Paul and never even considered getting a concealed carry permit until I saw white dudes parading around with AR's strapped to their backs during anti-mask protests. I've never been tempted to draw, but I cant say I haven't thought about delivering a good pistol whip on occasion, for their sheer stupidity.

And the "must not be getting laid enough" is more true than funny. I had a professor in pre 9/11 days only half jokingly say that one of the easiest ways to fix Muslim extremism would be to drop a few C130 loads of inflatable dolls over the desert. And that militant extremism sure seems to be echoed in the far, far right of America. They even dress the same, admittedly preferring AR's over AK's. Of course, our boys can only dream about mounting a 50cal in the back of a POS Toyota that somehow still runs.

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This right here. I work at the MN capital in "violent" St. Paul and never even considered getting a concealed carry permit until I saw white dudes parading around with AR's strapped to their backs during anti-mask protests. I've never been tempted to draw, but I cant say I haven't thought about delivering a good pistol whip on occasion, for their sheer stupidity.

And the "must not be getting laid enough" is more true than funny. I had a professor in pre 9/11 days only half jokingly say that one of the easiest ways to fix Muslim extremism would be to drop a few C130 loads of inflatable dolls over the desert. And that militant extremism sure seems to be echoed in the far, far right of America. They even dress the same, admittedly preferring AR's over AK's. Of course, our boys can only dream about mounting a 50cal in the back of a POS Toyota that somehow still runs.

View attachment 213257View attachment 213258
Get real, wannabe warriors! Step up, sign up, train up, serve up! You'll receive more free gear, firearms, and ammo than ever dreamed of ... and it will keep you off the streets!
I feel like you guys are focusing on what was just a example, rather than the crux of my argument but honestly would not be upset if this conversation degenerated into a "my truck is better than yours" argument. In truth, I'd love a proper 90s vintage Hilux.
All this Giffords talk, so I finally perused the site. Do I support what they're trying to do? Not really. Heck, my grandfathers .308 from the 50's has the same function as those scare black guns. I disagree with them that the technology is the problem. But if someone asked me if I'd feel safer in a place where everyone had unlimited weapons and ammo or a place where all of the laws on the Giffords website are enacted, sign me up for the latter.

But I don't fear my government, I fear disenfranchised white males between ages 15-65, who believe in conspiracies, speak in absolutes, probably have some minor mental health issues, and who must not be getting laid enough...

I'll see the government coming, I won't see that dude with two ARs under his coat walk into the grocery store, so in terms of my risk analysis to my own life and those of my loved ones, I put more concern on the latter.

And there are also a lot of "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" types that are probably mostly well meaning but are also completely dillusional.

Take that concert shooting in Las Vegas, for instance. Shooting in a crowd. Say you had a bunch of armed "good guys". Everyone heard shooting and starts looking for where its coming from. Some of the "good guys" pull their guns. Maybe they see the shooter, maybe they are getting ready if they do. One of the "good guys" sees someone with a gun, maybe he thinks that's where the shots are coming from, maybe it is. He starts shooting at him. Or her. Someone sees that person shooting.

How is anyone to know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Some of the people carrying are smart and trained. Some are stupid and untrained and some are everywhere in between.

That scares the shit out of me more than the single shooter.

Same with some jackass open carrying in public. It makes me feel unsafe. I will leave if its not a huge inconvenience because I have no idea who that person is, what there training is, what the length of their fuse is, if they are a good shot or not, etc. More often than not, more guns just escalate a situation.

Thats what I call gun culture. This pseudo warrior, guns are always good its great to get to shoot up the bad guy idea.

Its like the pothead that thinks Marijuana will cure everything. It won't and saying it will makes you look stupid and it devalues the benefits that it really does have because the idiots are loud.
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