Ryan Busse. Anyone?

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No bail release is about as smart of mandatory minimums. Both underestimate the ability of humans to completely @#)(# up the works.
Did you bother to read the article, Ben.

"On Wednesday, Louisville Community Bail, a group associated with Black Lives Matter Louisville, posted Mr Brown's $100,000 (£74,000) bond."
See post #297

Are you upset that Snoop found a way out of that life, or that he was part of the society that had few choices? Same with 50 Cent. I can't answer for Dre, but I'm sure being a product of that environment is part of it, just like being broke in rural red America is part of the reason why gun violence is higher on a per capita basis in deep red states.

Broad generalities and handpicked examples are two sides of the same coin.

Great spin!!!


The point is, since you play dumb, the BIGGEST TV EVENT, in America, celebrates dudes who rapped 187 on an undercover cop. Performed by a dude charged with 2 murders,

POSSIBLY, JUST MAYBE, influenced more "gun violence" than a black rifle company you tube ad, or any Ar company could hope to reach.

The NRA didn't create that. It didn't market dudes in long trenchcoats shooting up schools. It didn't market "gangsta" culture.

It isn't financing the DA in Chicago and St Louis.

Your answer, exposes the REAL ISSUE.

Randy grew up poor, a latchkey kid, no dad around. How many murder charges does he have?

I grew up the same, had one speeding ticket.

The "culture" that needs addressing, isn't the "gun culture".

But, addressing that culture means looking at REAL UNCOMFORTABLE SUBJECTS. You might get called a racist. A mysogenist. Part of the patriarchy.

So instead, you find what pays, and you jump in.

Honestly. Who has accessoried more killed people? Me? You? Or Busse fellow board Member, David Chipman?

Busse apparently was troubled by a dude with an AR at a protest.

But not the dude with the AR taking selfies at WACO? Not the dude supplying guns to El Chapo?

"Come on man"
The devil made these guns murder people... Wait! Eh, these are from 1950. (1965-70 second)


Did you bother to read the article, Ben.

"On Wednesday, Louisville Community Bail, a group associated with Black Lives Matter Louisville, posted Mr Brown's $100,000 (£74,000) bond."

I did, but if you had more of a working knowledge of the issue, you'd have read the part about how bail is viewed as part of the systemic racism that BLM is talking about, and you would be aware of the issue around the LA District Attorney's race who implemented no bail release and saw a dramatic upswing in violent crime. Apologies for mistaking you as someone who had a working knowledge of the issue.
Great spin!!!


The point is, since you play dumb, the BIGGEST TV EVENT, in America, celebrates dudes who rapped 187 on an undercover cop. Performed by a dude charged with 2 murders,

POSSIBLY, JUST MAYBE, influenced more "gun violence" than a black rifle company you tube ad, or any Ar company could hope to reach.

The NRA didn't create that. It didn't market dudes in long trenchcoats shooting up schools. It didn't market "gangsta" culture.

It isn't financing the DA in Chicago and St Louis.

Your answer, exposes the REAL ISSUE.

Randy grew up poor, a latchkey kid, no dad around. How many murder charges does he have?

I grew up the same, had one speeding ticket.

The "culture" that needs addressing, isn't the "gun culture".

But, addressing that culture means looking at REAL UNCOMFORTABLE SUBJECTS. You might get called a racist. A mysogenist. Part of the patriarchy.

So instead, you find what pays, and you jump in.

Honestly. Who has accessoried more killed people? Me? You? Or Busse fellow board Member, David Chipman?

Busse apparently was troubled by a dude with an AR at a protest.

But not the dude with the AR taking selfies at WACO? Not the dude supplying guns to El Chapo?

"Come on man"
Best Drunk Uncle GIFs | Gfycat
I did, but if you had more of a working knowledge of the issue, you'd have read the part about how bail is viewed as part of the systemic racism that BLM is talking about, and you would be aware of the issue around the LA District Attorney's race who implemented no bail release and saw a dramatic upswing in violent crime. Apologies for mistaking you as someone who had a working knowledge of the issue.
Most everyone knows what a shit show the NRA has turned into. Surely you know what BLM has evolved into in record time.

Here we go with the systemic beating...

Just repeating what one side is saying. Understanding another perspecitive doesn't mean betraying your own values, it means you want to better understand what others are thinking and what motivates them.

Like when some one says "buy a savage;" we all want to know who hurt them, and why, so we can help them recommend a good rifle instead.
Maybe it isn’t a binary answer.

But the issue relative to bail & systemic racism is the same. Hence the immediate bail of of the individual.

Yup. Not locking up violent criminals who prey on minority neighborhoods, is a wonderful way to atone for Jim Crow.

Rule #1 of firearm safety.

Do not point a gun at anything you don't wish to destroy.

I learned that from a NRA backed course.

All this other fluff is liberal guilt. The dead kid in St Louis ain't dead because Kimber made 1911's, or Smith and Wesson made AR, or because your ancestors bought black slaves, (from black slave traders).

It because SOMEONE PULLED THE TRIGGER(Unless your Alec Baldwin).

That is where the responsibility lies.

And that hasn't changed from Wyatt Earp, to today.

What changed was the acceptance. The excuse making.

I am not responsible for a Crip killing a blood, any more than I am Lon Horiuchi killing Vickie and Sam Weaver.

We aren't all guilty by association.

If Busse feels some guilt, that's his PERSONAL issue. Not some "culture"

Now 17 pages in, with lots of smart guys commenting.

No one has defined "gun culture" yet.

Except Gifford's, and guess what, YOUR IT
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