Caribou Gear

Runnin' lines again

Gut Shot

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2015
Surrounded by the Amish Mafia
Set trotlines one last time over the weekend. We weren't sure if we would be able to because the river was so low. Over six inches of rain last week brought the water up a couple of feet making for perfect conditions.

I had to talk my wife and son into going Saturday morning to check lines in the rain.


First morning's haul. Largest one was just under 7lbs. All channel cats.


They weren't all catfish. My boy had his first up-close experience with a good sized snapper.


We let him go.

We pulled in a couple of softshells too. We didn't let them go.


Total for the weekend was 29 fish. 27 channel cats and 2 drum. We also pulled in 2 softshell and 2 snapping turtles. We kept 25 catfish and 2 turtles.

We're done with trotlines until next year, we'll play around for panfish and maybe walleye for another month or so until we get serious about hunting.
Looks like fun!.. are soft shell turtles good to eat? I’ve eaten snapping turtles curious about soft shells.
I didn’t know anyone ate softshells...I would have done opposite and kept the snappers! Looks like a great haul.
Man, that brings back some good childhood memories with my granddad and cousin. Summers in WKy fishing Mississippi tributaries. Jugs, lines, and campfires.
Congrats on the great day!
Reminds me of fishing southern Illinois & Missouri. I preferred Missouri, though, since I liked paddling a canoe on a certain river to run limb lines- crawfish or live green sunfish half out of the water. 😁