PEAX Equipment

Rookie anetlope hunt


New member
Aug 15, 2009
great antelope muzzeloader hunt in utah with the kids. Missed the big one but 12 days in the mountains with my kids cant be beat :).
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I understand wanting to get the kids involved with the shooting sports, I really do. BUT, I believe that the bird your daughter is holding up is a Chickadee. It's illegal for anyone to kill one of those birds.( If in fact that's what it is), then your also a rookie when it comes to posting pictures. Just saying!

Doesn't look to me like a English sparrow to me, but if that's what it is then getty up!

BTW, nice buck!
Others may not care, but I'm also not a fan of kids, or anyone for that matter, riding around in the front seat with an uncased gun, which I'm going to presume was loaded.

Congrats on the buck.
Dont really know what kind of bird it was and second no the gun was not loaded, yes i had him take it out of the case to take a pic while we were stopped. There is a reason I dont post pics on the internet on hunting forums this just reminded me why and I will certainly read your link on the bird treaty act.
JKB all the other stuff aside,you have two beautiful children. Its real easy to see why you are so proud of them and wanted to share the story of your adventure together.Good luck with the rest of your hunts this year.
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