Caribou Gear Tarp

Robin Hoods - Let’s See Em

They will become so common, that you won't even shoot at the same dots anymore. Expensive when you add up two arrows, tips and all. I have one I kept from back when, but after the third or fourth I was done.
Thanks captain buzzkill! :p Just kidding.

I've been shooting archery for about 5 years now and it was my first one. My initial thought was "cool" followed closely by "there goes another arrow".
IMG_1583.jpg Yeah i had the same thought as you. Cool factor wore off quick when you think about cost. Different dots most of the time now.
Invest in pin nocks best investment ever. I managed one day to almost robin hood a pin nock. I quit shooting at the same dot under 30 got expensive quick. They are still cool to see.
You stop shooting the same spot quick after those, but cool the first few time!

First one I ever got I was like 8, showed my dad in the target... Since the first arrow wasn't dead center of the spot, he asked why I was so excited I missed twice! :)

I do most of my in season shooting by only shooting one arrow, like when hunting.
Thanks captain buzzkill! :p Just kidding.

I've been shooting archery for about 5 years now and it was my first one. My initial thought was "cool" followed closely by "there goes another arrow".

Haha. Sorry I couldn't help myself. Definitely nice knowing your getting better but like several others stated, it gets real expensive really quick.
Shot this one the other day, first one with my new RX-1....probably the first and last time it will ever happen at that distance!

When I shoot with friends I always aim at there arrow, now we all argue over who shoots second.

If you are shooting competitive 3D than I understand this tactic. If you are not, then it really seems like quite a unnecessary and d*!k thing to do.

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