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RIP RBG - no political responses please

The friendship that she and Scalia had was always admirable, very different sides on many legal opinions, but truly friends. I found it interesting that their families celebrated New Year's Eve together and occasionally ate what Scalia had killed hunting.
Well said. A lot of people here should take lessons. What the hell happened to common decency? People are humans first, and to hell with the rest. It’s exactly the type of behavior of some people on this thread that gives me less and less hope for this country. Unbelievable.

Have to admire someone who dedicated her life to doing what she thought was right in service to her country rather than sitting on the couch railing impotently on the Internet. And no, I often did not agree with her.

It's pathetic the Supreme Court has also turned political over the years, FFS their job is to interpret constitutional law not pass through bogus political hack BS.

"Oh perfect now we can have a majority vote swing in the supreme court! Now we can lord over our ideologies on everyone!"

-Said by both political idealogies

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Rest In Peace.

I am always fascinated by people who have made it to the pinnacle of their craft- Presidents, top athletes, coaches etc... I think about the intelligence, skill, drive and focus it must have taken them to get there. Certainly ascending to the Supreme Court qualifies- I just can’t help but wonder what it took for them to get to that position. Something I don’t possess and probably won’t ever understand, but I find it interesting nonetheless.
RBG was a remarkable woman, and a trailblazer for women in law. She should be respected by all for that. As for her "last words", isn't that what we call hearsay? Let's just remember this very accomplished woman (with whom I seldom agreed) and forget about politics for just a moment.
Although I disagreed with some of her rulings, I always respected her.

posts 27, 33, 35, 41, 44 echo my sentiments

Some will criticize her last comment ( to her granddaughter ) Others will say she spoke her mind and was true to her beliefs to the end. I believe she had every right to share her final thoughts with her granddaughter. She was a Supreme court justice, but that wasn't the totality of who she was. She was also a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, human being.

I can admit to the fact that I disagreed with some of her rulings and still thank her for her service to our nation. RIP
The Supreme Court should remind everyone that holding opposing beliefs does not make someone stupid or evil, and that people of differing opinions can work together on highest stage rather than engaging in the petulant grandstanding we see in Congress. I admired RBG greatly.
Although I disagreed with some of her rulings, I always respected her.

posts 27, 33, 35, 41, 44 echo my sentiments

Some will criticize her last comment ( to her granddaughter ) Others will say she spoke her mind and was true to her beliefs to the end. I believe she had every right to share her final thoughts with her granddaughter. She was a Supreme court justice, but that wasn't the totality of who she was. She was also a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, human being.

I can admit to the fact that I disagreed with some of her rulings and still thank her for her service to our nation. RIP

My grandmother said the same thing to me this morning. She told me not to pigeon hole people. Her occupation was a lawyer and judge, it was not the totality of who she was.

We spent time in college discussing her and O'Connor. Whether I agreed with their rulings or not they have my respect

Rest In Peace Justice Ginsburg
Dying declaration exception to hearsay.

(Not seriously debating or disagreeing, just couldn’t resist the lawyerly moment ;) )

All due homage to RBG and the OP's noble request, there is no question to whom she would tip the scales for and the media didn't blast this 'dramatique declaration' out of respect for anyone.
I have no disrespect for the women but it seems like some here want to sweep her liberal stances under the rug by in a way saying...Let’s say our goodbyes but let’s not say anything about the very liberal ways and ideas she had when she was alive. Liberal politics was her life. Some act like saying she was a huge liberal is demeaning her when in fact it was her. I’ve seen what liberalism is doing to our country.
I have no disrespect for the women but it seems like some here want to sweep her liberal stances under the rug by in a way saying...Let’s say our goodbyes but let’s not say anything about the very liberal ways and ideas she had when she was alive. Liberal politics was her life. Some act like saying she was a huge liberal is demeaning her when in fact it was her. I’ve seen what liberalism is doing to our country.

Post 41 by Hunting Wife...last paragraph, read it while looking in the mirror.

"Have to admire someone who dedicated her life to doing what she thought was right in service to her country rather than sitting on the couch railing impotently on the Internet. And no, I often did not agree with her.
Doesnt matter what side of the Isle someone leans or sits
She was a strong woman and fought for what she believed in and should be respected for that period
And it is very poor character to speak ill of someone that has passed
Are we so devided we cant take a breath, pause , for the loss of a human being
God speed rest in peace im sure she has been greated at the gates with, well done and come inside
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