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RIP Charlie Pride

That's a bummer. My parents always had the radio on in the kitchen and it was always country music. Kiss an angel goodmorning was probably his most popular hit. I always thought his rendition of kaw liga was better than either of the William's boys.
I was at my nephews and his wife's baby shower earlier today and they asked everyone to write down some words of wisdom/ advice for a young couple and new parents. Part of my advice was to quote Charlie Pride song (Kiss an angel good morning)
He was one of my favorite singers of all time
Honestly, I had never heard of him. I YouTubed him and his voice is amazing. I’m quite interested in his story and am ordering his autobiography. Being a black man singing country music in the 60’s had to be rough, even with his numerous hits. RIP Mr. Pride.
Charlie Pride played baseball in Missoula and East Helena, tried out for the NY Mets after spending a decade or more in Montana, performing on the side. When the baseball career failed to meet his expectations Charlie moved to Nashville where he met Chet Atkins ... and the rest is great musical history. His Montana connection was highlighted with state "pride" as he rose to stardom as a singer and performer. He returned to Montana often to perform.

RIP, Charlie. Montana will always love you and your music!
2020 just keeps on giving. I didn't even much like country music, but liked Charlie Pride. RIP, Charlie.

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